Business Meeting: 02.24.19

Minutes by:  Lance icw Quin


Shawna & Gunter
Lance & Quin
Kapiko & David
Yemi & Stefan


Treasurer’s Report:  

Previous Balance: $523.06
Donations: $63.00  
PayPal Fees: -$4.27
Current Balance: $589.79

*Note the Treasurer Couple want to transfer $189.79 to WSO, but were experiencing difficulty with the Paypalsystem. They will try again after the meeting.


Old Business:


o It was voted unanimously that Quin would be putting her name on the PayPal account for the time being.
Quin to contact Ruth and Debbie to get full information to transfer/ set up PayPal account in her name.
o There is an issue that we have discovered that the tax id on the PayPal account has been WSO’s since Trailblazers was founded.  They’ve recently denied us being able to use their tax id prior to this discovery. We will need to discuss this with the WSO.
o The idea was floated that we consider discontinuing using PayPal.


Script Change

o Shawna presented a proposed script change to make it easier to read the leader’s script, this focused in the area of the weekly topics.
o It was voted unanimously to approve Shawna’s proposed script changes, which will be applied to the leader’s script.

New Business:


o The Hand-in-Hand newsletter is in need of a new publisher.
o It was agreed to announce at the announcements portion of the Sunday meeting.
o It was voted to add the information to the Trailblazer’s website.


International Speaker Meeting:

o There is a new monthly speaker meeting the first Saturday of the month.
o It was agreed that it will be announced at the announcements portion of the Sunday meeting and via email to all Trailblazer members.