RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 04/26/20 – Sunday
Minutes by: Gretchen irw Jason
- Gretchen and Jason
- Beatrice and Theodor
- David and Kapiko
- Hans
- Cate and Paul
- Lance
- Dian
- Barbie
- Ken and Anabel
- Allison and Mary Ellen
- Barton and Rebecca
- Shawna and Gunter
Serenity Prayer
March 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved
Motion to Approve – Gretchen
2nd – Cate
All in favor
Emergency Business 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved
Motion to Approve – Jason
2nd – Cate
All in favor
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance = $571.03
Ending Balance = $724.18
7th Tradition = $164.00
Payments / Fees = ($10.85)
*NEW Prudent Reserve = $550
Unfinished Business (Tabled from Last Business Meeting)
Decrease Number of Minutes for Share
- Cate suggested continuing discussion on making shares 2 minutes vs 3 minutes
- Barbie suggested breakout rooms
- Allison suggested queue
- Barton and Rebecca suggested people raise hand in the chat window and Secretary Couple call on couples
- Kapiko suggested that people who have shared recently allow others to share
- Jason suggested that people with experience might have an easier time getting in the chat queue and agreed that shorter shares would reduce the pressure and allow more people to share
- Shawna shared the experience that creating a list might reduce the spontaneity of sharing and the ability to share when inspired
- Hans suggested the breakout groups, again, but acknowledged that it might be complicated
- Gretchen suggested that implementing any of the technical solutions might remove the opportunity for those who are less assertive to practice participation, that Cate’s original suggestion of shortening the shares may resolve their challenges and that we should vote on Cate’s original suggestion.
- Motion to shorten shares – Mary Ellen
- Friendly amendment to shorten newcomer shares to 1 minute– Cate
- Jason suggested we keep the time consistent
- Kapiko agreed with consistency
- All in favor to reduce all share times to 2 minutes – Approved
* Gretchen will note the change in the online script.
* Please note, this change has not been made to the printable script.
New Business
Tabled for Next Business Meeting
- RCA Trailblazers received a renewal reminder for our web hosting bill, which is due on June 20. Ruth suggested changing to the “spark” plan to save money, resubscribe for 3 years, which would lock-in price and call the web-hosting office to see if we could renegotiate a further discount. *This item was added after the Business Meeting, by the Co-Secretaries.
- Barton asked that we discuss removing participants from the meeting, when they do not turn on their video, after a friendly reminder. He also suggested that be added to the script.
- Ruth suggested cutting out introductions at the beginning of the meeting to allow about 10 more minutes of sharing
- Paul suggested adding verbiage to the script to suggest that couples who have shared recently allow others the opportunity to share.
ie: “If your coupleship has shared recently, please allow other couples the opportunity to share.”
- Motion to Adjourn – Cate
- 2nd -Jason
- All in favor
Serenity Prayer