
Dave and Noni

Robin and Donna

Agnes and Dave

David and Kapiko

Jared and Julia

Shawna and Gunter


Meeting called to Order at 11:40 A.M. PST


1. Serenity prayer

Duration of meeting: 30 minutes.  Dave volunteered to be timekeeper.

2. Review and approval of minutes from June 2024

Motion to approve: Dave,  Second by Shawna. Motion carries unanimously.


3. Chair Reports

Secretary – Dave and Noni: n/a

Treasurer – Jared and Julia:

Activity Summary (6/30/2024 – 7/27/2024) USD
Beginning Available Balance 751.37
Payments received 45.00
Payments sent 0.00
Withdrawals and Debits 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Fees -3.41
Ending Available Balance 792.96

No questions.

Motion to approve Treasurer report – David, Second by Noni. Motion carries unanimously.

Greeter – Cara and Keith: n/a

Contact List – Dave and Agnes: n/a

Web – Robin and Donna: Website is up to date.

Question from Noni: Committee responsibilities are listed on website, except for Secretary.  Robin: I’ll look into that. May be related to recent software updates. Thanks.


4. Old Business: n/a

5. New Business:

a. Dave: Clarify language in Treasurer’s report from “donation” to “7th tradition”.  Robin: Okay I’ll update that on the website.

b. Noni: Will send email to have the following items on next business meeting’s agenda:

  • Consider changing language for smaller groups to increase time allotted to shares to 3 minutes.
  • Readings of announcements during meeting can be streamlined, or put a link into the chat.
  • Consider having only the meeting leader read the prayer at the end with everyone else muted, to allow for couples to focus on a spiritual connection which can be difficult when hearing a lot of voices.

c. Motion to designate Robin and Donna to represent RCA Trailblazers at the Annual Business Meeting – David. Second by Jared.  Motion carries unanimously.

d. Motion to offer the delegate couple a stipend of $400 to attend the convention – Shawna, Second by Dave. Motion carries unanimously.

e. Motion to vote “no” for ballot proposal to change in bylaws that no one couple can be the group delegate couple for more than one meeting – Dave. Second by David.

f. Motion to adjourn the meeting – Jared, Second by Dave. Motion carries unanimously.


Meeting Adjourned at 12:08 P.M. PST

Serenity Prayer