Some Information

Attend from the comfort of your own home!


Is Zoom free? When you sign up for a zoom account, it will mention that you need to have a paid upgrade for a meeting of more than 2 connections for more 40 minutes.  You DO NOT need to pay to attend. Trailblazers has already done that for you.

What do we need? Any computer or smartphone with a camera available can be used to connect.

Time Changes: Trailblazer meetings are held each Sunday and lasts for 1 hour and 30 minutes, from 19:00 CET/CEST (Denmark Time) until 20:30 CET/CEST, which typically is 10 AM PT and 1 PM ET, except for a few weeks each year, as Europe and US changes to and from daylight savings time at different time. To determine the current time, please go to: and compare your local time to 7pm Copenhagen, Denmark time.

More help: If you need help with zoom, there is a good article here.


Service Positions



During the Sunday meeting

Sign on to zoom as Secretary Couple and start the meeting (agree who covers meeting)

  • Muting participants if necessary;
  • If a couple is unable or unwilling to turn their camera on the secretary couple will chat with them and – if appropriate – can ask for a group conscience for the couple to stay on the line.

Leading the business meeting

Agree on which secretary couple will cover business meeting. If needed, find couple to cover and take minutes and forward minutes to secretary couple.

Review last month’s minutes and advise the meeting participants of old business (outstanding from prior business meets) and new business on the agenda.

Chair the meeting, which includes:

  • Using the Business Meeting Script located at the end of the main meeting script.
  • Agree on the length of time for the meeting and then take the role of spiritual time keepers.
  • Invite couples who have added points to the agenda to present them and then:
  • Entertain questions and discussion to reach a group conscience
  • Set sharing time limit so all can be heard
  • If necessary, table for next meeting and post on blog for comments


Record the minutes of the meeting including decisions reached and points remaining outstanding to be added to next business meeting agenda. Post the minutes on Trail Blog.

Between meetings

Reply to emails sent to: from:

  • new couples: Forward to welcome couple
  • Requests for contact list – forward to list couple

From members of the group:

  • Provide help or assistance to questions from the group members.
  • Acknowledge receiving new items for the Business meeting agenda.

Managing the Trail-blog:

  • Publishing the Business meeting minutes.
  • Update announcements as needed.

Entrusted with information for logins for all accounts: Zoom, Website, Blog, Email, PayPal

When leaving positions

  • Gives Successors all information for accounts
  • Shares ESH and current processes with incoming secretaries
Meeting Lead Couple

This role rotates each week.  A couple steps up to lead the meeting.

Logs in 10 min before the meeting and welcomes newcomers.

Conducts the meeting via the script located on the website.

Welcome Couple


Place “Welcome Couple” when signing into the RCA Trailblazers meeting, after couple name… i.e. Dwayne irw Mandy, Welcome Couple. 

It is announced in the meeting format that there is a Welcome Couple, and the email address is given out for new couples/members to contact.

There is also an option to ask the newcomer couple/member if they would like to stay behind after the meeting to ask any questions.

Once the newcomer couple/member has emailed the Welcome Couple, the Welcome Couple sends a Welcome Letter, with all the information provided for resources and follow up. 

The Welcome Letter can be adapted and changed to whatever the Welcome Couple feels is helpful to the newcomer. You can contact the current Welcome Couple to receive the current standard Welcome Letter.

The current Welcome Couple also does follow up meetings of four when requested to answer any questions and share ESH.

Treasury Couple


Preparing Monthly Treasury Report for each business meeting. Details for the report are available on Paypal “reports”.

Attend monthly Business Meeting to share Treasury Report with group.

After Secretary Couple notifies us, we order the Newcomer Welcome Kit from the RCA Bookstore, and pay for it via the RCA Trailblazers Paypal account. We list our phone number as contact information with the WSO for any issues with the order.  We also contact newcomer couple to let them know it’s been ordered.

Send donations to WSO per Group Conscience through RCA Website, paid via RCA Trailblazers Paypal account.

Pay for zoom account annually.

Responsible for any changes voted on by G.C. to our RCA Trailblazers Paypal account.

Contact List Couple


Receives e-mails from members requesting to be added to the contact list and provides a copies of the list as requested.

Sends out the monthly contact list to members in between meetings. 

Webmaster Couple


Updates the website with any changes submitted from business meeting.

Keeps track of website, (hosting and domain) renewal information.

Serves as a back-up for Secretary couple with adding announcements to site.

Sets up email forwarding for service position changes.