• Open meeting with Serenity Prayer @ 12:40
  • Time set for Meeting is 30 minutes. Set by Dave 2nd Robin
  • Meeting minutes review
  • Correction to include treasurer’s Report
  • Approve minutes with correction 1st Dave C 2nd Steve APPROVED


Secretary: All is well: rotating weeks working well.

Contact Couple: Would like to look at columns and possibly omit 1 column.

Quick group discussion decides to look at it at the AD HOC committee.

Web: Script – printable version was not up to date, encourage others to check that they have the updated version if they have a printed copy. Add revised date to copy.

Still need to e-mail Deb and Ruth

Welcome Couple: There has been a change in work schedule, making it difficult to attend meeting regularly. Needs to resign from position.

position open immediately

Treasurer: Report

Activity Summary (1/25/2025 – 2/22/2025)
Total Beginning Balance 706.63
7th Tradition received 261.00
Payments sent 0.00
Withdrawals and Debits 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Fees -15.76

Prudent Reserve 400.00

Total Ending Balance 951.87

Ending Available Balance 551.87

Robin and Donna nominated for treasurer’s position. 1st Robin M. 2nd Gunter

Where to allocate funds to be discussed, tabled to next meeting.

Ad Hoc Meeting:

  • Got through 4 positions and are in good position to be able to complete for March Business meeting.
  • Add to new business for next meeting

Motion to adjourn @ 1:00pm MST 1st Jared 2nd Da