Posted on January 29, 2023 by Secretary Couple

RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting, Feb. 26, 2023



Donna and Robin


Nikki and Stu

Shawna and Günter

Agnes and Dave

Robin and Don

Cherie and Ellie

Keith and Cara

Kapiko and David

Chana and Bruce


Meeting called to order at 20:38 CET

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes


Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: Robin

Second: David

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Keith irw Cara presents the report:

Feb 2023: Jan 29th – Feb 25th

Previous Balance : $488.08

Fees: $ – 3.90 

Total Expenses : $ – 9.64

7th Tradition: $ 45.00

Closing Balance: $ 546.52


Motion to approve: Stu

Second: Don

Motion carries


Ranking of Proposals to be discussed at RCA Convention business meeting – David and Kapiko

The convention is coming up and the Structure committee requires that each group rank the importance of the 8 ballot proposals. Proposals must be returned by March 15th.

Proposal : One submission per individual is allowed. Deadline for submissions is 1 hour after the next business meeting on March 5th so that all participants have ample time to read the expanations. Submissions should be sent to  Submissions will be ranked first by mode then by mean average.

Link to Ranking Explanation: Ranking Explanation

Link to Ranking Form: Ranking Form

Second: Shawna 


The 13 page explanation for each proposal will be resent since some people did not receive it – Jared

Shawna and Günter will create the spreadsheet and submit it to RCA-WSO.


Motion to extend the meeting by 10 minutes: Don

Second: Günter

Motion Carries


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting): Group accounts and Assets Security Policy

Don created a proposal describing the motion. Discussion of the proposal is tabled until the next business meeting. 
This document can be found at: Link

Second: Dave

Motion carries


Motion to adjourn the meeting:  Stu

Second: Dave

Motion carries


Meeting Adjourned at 21:18 CET        

Serenity Prayer


RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting, Jan 29, 2023



Robin and Donna

Jared and Julia

Nikki and Stu

Shawna and Gunter

Agnes and Dave

Don and Robin


Cherie and Ellie


Barton and Rebecca

Kapiko and David


Meeting called to order at 1:38pm CST

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: David

Second: Barton

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Keith irw Cara presents the report:

Trailblazers Treasurers Report


November – December 2022

Opening Balance $373.59

Fees $4.90

7th Tradition $60

Closing Balance $428.69


January 2023

Opening Balance $428.69

Fees $5.61

7th Tradition $65

Closing Balance $488.08


Motion to approve: Dave

Second: Barton

Motion carries


Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items




Service Positions


Motion to extend the meeting by 10 minutes: Shawna

Second: ?

Motion Carries


>>Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

1. How to go about with the passwords. As service positions rotate, the passwords have remaid the same for web, Google emails, PayPal, Zoom accounts to ensure they remain secure. 

Motion: Don will work with secretaries to create a written proposal for us to vote on at the next business meeting.

Second: Keith

Motion carries


>> New business

1. Barton offers another option for the timer. There is an app with the zoom account where the timer clock appears on your screen. Timer has to be made co-host. It is optionable only and not mandatory. Barton will write up instructions on how to use the app if anyone wants to. No vote is necessary.


Motion to extend the meeting by 3 minutes: David

Second: Shawna

Motion Carries


2. David and Kapiko – The convention is coming up and the Structure committee requires that each group rank the importance of the 8 ballot proposals. Proposals must be ranked and returned by March 15th which means we need to vote at the next business meeting in February. Proposals will be published and can be reviewed before the next business meeting. Jared and Julia will add it to the secretary’s announcements. 


>> Business tabled for next business meeting.



Motion to adjourn the meeting:  Shawna


Motion carries


Meeting Adjourned at 2:15 CST     


Serenity Prayer





Shawna & Gunther

Jared & Julia

Don & Robin

Keith & Cara




Meeting called to order at <time>

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: Don

Second: David

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Keith irw Cara presents the report:

Trailblazers Treasurers Report


October Month to date:

Oct. 30th  – Nov. 26th


Previous Balance: $319.39

Fees: $6.32

New Comer Packets: $9.48

Total Expenses: $6.32

7th Tradition:$70.00

Closing Balance: $373.59


Oct 30th a new comer packet was purchased for $9.48 and sent to :

Andy and Brenda


Motion to approve: Don

Second: Robin

Motion carries


Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items




Service Positions



Motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes: <name>

Second: <name>

Motion carries



>>Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

  1. N/A


>> New business

  1. Vote in Webmaster couple: Robin & Donna

Motion to approve: Shawna

Second: Robin

Motion carries


  1. How to deal with passwords for key positions.  Shawna: Our credit card is connected to the Trailblazers account (e.g. Paypal, etc.).  Passwords haven’t been changed when they were setup by other people.  We need other people to have access to accounts in order to support each other and the meeting.

Discussion.  Keith: A solution would be to change the password and share it with one other group doing service.  Not perfect solution, but better than having more than two couples having access to personal information.  When we log in to Paypal we see a person’s name, Ruth, as the account owner.  Not sure if we change the password what will happen.  Shawna: Ruth is the one who setup the Paypal account and website.  The website is registered under her name.  They have agreed to allow us to continue to keep it under her name and address.  They also get the emails, so they are always in the loop if a payment needs to be made, etc.  Keith: There is a secondary user section in Paypal.  We could use that to enter the names of the couple currently holding the position.  I can do some research to come up with a suggestion to bring to the next meeting.  Shawna: Before we make any change, I want to talk to Ruth.  Don: I’ve been working to establish Paypal with another group.  Security is an excellent consideration for the group even though we are small.  I suggest it be established with the service roles (i.e. secretary couple and webmaster couple).  David: If Keith needs to contact Ruth, it’s Ruth and Debbie on the contact list.  They are actually the ones who had the idea to create Trailblazers.  Having a Paypal account was also an issue with tax reporting.  Ruth agreed to handle that for the group.  Security is important.  I agree there should be multiple people who have access to the passwords (e.g. Secretaires, Treasurers, Webmasters).  Part of job descriptions.  Shawna: The website was paid by Ruth.  They needed to send us an invoice which needed to be paid by Paypal.  To make it easier, Gunther entered his credit card to the account.  Robin did as well.  It is hidden in the account.  Keith: I will make a note of this in the documentation [during my research].  Robin: We would take over using our credit card now that we are Webmaster, which would take care of the web hosting.  Keith: Password could change each time the position gets changed over.  Gunter: Are you sure you can change the password if the account is not yours?  Keith: The password change confirmation email is going to the Secretary and Treasurer.  If I get stuck I can contact Ruth.  Shawna: Ruth gets the admin email.  Lance and Quinn do too, who used to be the Webmaster.  And now Robin and Donna.  Lance and Quinn will be removed now, and I will remove Gunter and myself as well.  Keith: treasurer@, admin@ and are the emails on the Paypal account profile page.  

Motion to table the issue until next business meeting once we have more information: Don

Motion to contact Ruth to discuss what we are considering: Shawna

Second: David

Motion carries


>> Business tabled for next business meeting.



Motion to adjourn the meeting:  Shawna

Second: Julia

Motion carries


Meeting Adjourned at 23.16       


Serenity Prayer

Minutes: Shawna & Günter


David & Agnes

Jared & Julia

Keith & Cara

Robin & Don



Tim & Nicki


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length to 30 minutes

Time keeper: Robin irw Don



Review and approval of minutes of Sept 2022 business meeting:

One alteration made: in theme “Sharing time” anonymous ==> unanimous

Motion to approve minutes: David

Second: Don &Robin

Motion carried


Treasurer report

Keith & Cara shared treasurer’s report as follows:

Opening balance: $1,416.30

7th Tradition: $90,00

Fees: $6.26

Transfer to WSO: $1180.48

Closing balance: 319.39

Motion to approve the Treasury Report:  Julia

Motion carried


Unfinished business

Treasury – 7th Tradition

Should we send money to WSO? (Prudent reserve is $400 as voted on in Minutes of 10.28.18.)

The group voted to transfer $1000.00 to WSO

Service Rotation

Secretary couple: Jared & Julia. Shawna and Günter will be Co-Secretary until another couple steps in, or the Web service position is taken by another couple.

Welcome couple: Dave & Agnes

Web couple: Shawna & Günter (until another couple offers)

Treasury couple: Keith & Cara (wish to continue this service because they got the position only 6 months ago)

Contact list couple: Don & Robin


Motion to adjourn by Don

Second: Robin

Motion carried


Thank you everyone for participating and for your service in Trailblazers!!


Serenity prayer


Minutes: Shawna & Günter



Jared & Julia

Keith & Cara

Robin & Don

Gunter & Shawna



Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length to 30 minutes

Time keeper: Robin irw Donna



Review and approval of minutes of August 2022 business meeting

Motion to approve minutes: David

Second: Don &Robin

Motion carried


Treasurer report

Keith & Cara shared treasurer’s report as follows:

Opening balance: $1,260.12

7th Tradition: $165.00

Fees: $8.99

Closing balance: $1,416.30

Motion to approve the Treasury Report: Don & Robin

David second

Motion carried


Unfinished business

Treasury – 7th Tradition

Should we send money to WSO? (Prudent reserve is $400 as voted on in Minutes of 10.28.18.)

The group voted to transfer $1000.00 to WSO

Newcomer packets

There are 8 Newcomer Packets left for members outside USA.

The group voted anonymously that enough Newcomer Packets are on stock for the time being.

Sharing time

Should we extend sharing time to more than 2 minutes? Or increase time per participants present??

The group voted unanimously to leave the sharing time as is.


New Business

Service Rotation

Secretary couple will add to the announcements that the service positions will rotate at the end of October.

Contact List

Suggestion to add a column on the contact list with the additional languages each couple speaks.

The group voted anonymously to add this column. The Contact list couple will decide how to implement that and let the secretary couple know of any announcements/changes that need to be made.


Motion to adjourn by Don

Second: Shawna

Motion carried


Serenity prayer


Minutes by Shawna & Günter




Keith & Cara

Agnes & Dave

Robin & Don

Gunter & Shawna

Rivky & Yanky



Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length to 30 minutes

Time keeper: Don



Review and approval of minutes of July 2022 business meeting

Motion to approve minutes: David

Second: Dave

Motion carried


Treasurer report

Keith & Cara shared treasurer’s report as follows:

Opening balance:                    $1,054,02

7th Tradition:                               $216.00

Fees                                                -9.90

Closing balance:                     $1,260.12

Motion to approve the Treasury Report: Shawna

Dave second

Motion carried


Remarks: Shawna asks if we should send money to WSO?

It was not clear what our prudent reserve is. Shawna will research this and we can discuss next week. Shawna will also check if new Welcome Packets are needed for members outside USA.

(In the meantime: Prudent reserve is $400 as voted on in Minutes of 10.28.18. There are 9 Newcomer Packets left for members outside USA. Only one has been requested this year, are we informing newcomers? New agenda point for next month.)

Convention Report (Jared)

  • The special ballot measure was approved. This will enable the Board of Trustees, should they in between conventions fall below the required minimum of four Board couples, to appoint enough qualified couples to the Board to make up the minimum required for the Board to function. The appointed couples would serve only until the next annual Board Election.
  • There are now 8 Trustee couples serving WSO, 5 of which were voted in at the 2022 Convention in August.
  • WSO is doing financially well. They encourage couples to join the many committees also one to determine how to use 7th tradition donations to carry the message.

 Unfinished business

Tabled agenda item from July 2022: “Concern raised about alerting meeting attendees who may be dressed in a manner concerning to another attendee.” 

The couple was not present last week again to present the proposal and they were again not here.  This topic will be removed from the agenda.

New Business

Should we extend sharing time to more than 2 minutes?

A discussion was initiated in which it appeared most were content with 2 minutes. A suggestion was made to increase time per participants present.

This topic was tabled and will be voted on next week.

Motion to adjourn by Shawna at 9:00 pm CET

Second: Agnes

Motion carried


Serenity prayer





David (irw kapiko)

Shawna irw Gunter

Don and Robin

Rivky (irw Yanky)

Keith irw Cara

Barton (irw Rebecca)

Agnes irw Dave


Meeting called to order at 20:25 CET by secretary Dave (irw Agnes)

Serenity Prayer

Invocation of Safety Guidelines

Motion to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Robin (irw Don)



Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve:     Barton (irw Rebecca)

                      Second:     Don (irw Robin)           



Treasurer’s Report 26/06/2022 to 30/07/2022

26 June, 2022 to 30 July, 2022

Previous Balance:     $ 882.88

Fees:                              $     8.86

Total Expenses:        $     0.00

7th Tradition:             $ 180.00

Closing Balance:      $1054.02

The Treasury Couple noted that they missed an e-mail requesting a newcomer packet.  This should be reflected in the next month’s treasury report.

Motion to approve treasurer report

David (irw Kapiko)

Second: Barton (irw Rebecca)

Motion Carried


Welcome Couple Report

Not present

Contact List Couple Report

Not present


Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items
Robin (irw Don)


>> Old business <<

  1. Need for a co-secretary couple for the remainder of their term

Shawna irw Gunter volunteered to take this service position

Motion to accept Shawna irw Gunter as co-secretary couple


Second: Barton

Motion Carried

2. Concern raised about alerting meeting attendees who may be dressed in a manner concerning to another attendee.  David (irw Kapiko) reported that in previous business meetings it was decided that concerns/proposals not followed by attendance at the business meeting for two consecutive meetings by the individual(s) raising the concern/ making the proposal would be dropped from the agenda. 

This item will not carry forward as unfinished business.


>> New business <<

No new business


Motion to adjourn

            Motion:           Barton (irw Rebecca)

            Second:           Agnes (irw Dave)


            Meeting adjourned at 20:38  CET

Closing with Serenity Prayer



Robin (irw Donna)

Cara and Keith

Julia (irw Jared)

Eleanne (irw Boris)

David (irw Kapiko)


Meeting called to order at 20:40 CET by interim secretary Robin

Serenity prayer 

Invocation of Safety Guidelines

David volunteered to record the minutes.

Motion to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve:     David

                      Second:     Julia           


Treasurer report

May 29, 2022 to June 25, 2022

Opening balance: $819.12
                        Fees:  $    7.53

Newcomer packets:        0
Total Debit:            $    7.53
7th Tradition:        $ 70.00
Closing Balance: $  882.88

The Treasury Couple noted that they might have missed an e-mail requesting a newcomer packet.  Julia (Welcome Couple) related that Janey B and Jim might not have received their packet, based on the e-mail the Welcome Couple received from them.  Julia will forward their e-mail to the Treasury Couple to follow up.


Motion to approve Treasurer report


Seconded by David

Motion Carried

Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items

none reported


Welcome Couple report

            Julia related that there is nothing to report


Contact List Couple

            Not present


>> Old business <<

  1. Need for a co-secretary couple for the remainder of their term

            Robin stated that he is considering the position of co-secretary couple for him and Donna but will need to consult with Donna and obtain her consent before making a commitment.


  1. Need for a delegate couple to the Annual Business Meeting

            David related the duties of the delegate couple.  Julia volunteered that she and Jared will serve as the delegate couple.  Accepted.


  1. Concern raised about the procedure for alerting meeting attendees who may be dressed in a manner that is concerning to another attendee and the procedure for enforcement of the request to keep cameras on in the meeting

         Proponent not present; matter tabled. (Note: discussion ensued with no action at           the previous business meeting on 29 May 2022.)


>> New business <<

            Call for group conscience on how to instruct the RCA Trailblazers delegate couple to vote on Ballot Proposal no. 1 at the RCA WSO Annual Business Meeting on August 5, 2022

            David summarized the ballot proposal which has been submitted for the 2022 Annual Business Meeting and requested group conscience on whether to read the entirety of the proposal.  The members voted for a reading of the entirety of the proposal.  David read it.

            Motion to accept the proposal:            Robin

            Second:                                               Keith



            No further new business was raised.


Motion to adjourn

            Motion:           Keith

            Second:           David


            Meeting adjourned at 21:04 CET

Closing with Serenity Prayer

Agnes & Dave  (Co-Secretary, chair)
Nikki & Stu
Maria & Daniel
Janey B & Jim
Keith & Cara (Treasurer Couple)
Ricky & Yanky
Don & Robin


Meeting called to order at 20:38 CET

Serenity prayer 

Invocation of Safety Guidelines

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Minutes from last meeting, 24 April, 2022 were not available.  Item tabled.

Treasurer report

April 24, 2022 to May 28, 2022

Opening balance: $731.65
Fees: $ 7.53
Total Debit: $7.53
7th Tradition: $ 95.00
Closing Balance: $819.12

In Loving Service
Keith & Cara

Motion to approve Treasurer report

Don.    Seconded by Janey B

Motion Carries by unanimous vote

Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items



>> Old Business <<



>> New business <<

1) Motion from Dave irw Agnes:

Seeking a new co-secretary couple to serve the remainder of one year term.

No couple has stepped forward.  Item tabled


2) Motion from David irw Kapiko:

Every RCA meeting is entitled to appoint a delegate couple to vote on matters at the Annual Business Meeting, which will take place on Friday, August 5, 2022, immediately preceding this year’s annual convention.  Having a delegate couple also is very important in establishing a quorum for the Annual Business Meeting, without which no business can be conducted.  The action item for our Trailblazers business meeting is the designation of a delegate couple to represent our meeting at the Annual Business Meeting.

No member has stepped forward.  Item tabled.


3) concern was raised about the procedure for alerting meeting attendees who may be dressed in a manner that is concerning to another attendee, and also the procedure for enforcement of the request to keep cameras on in the meeting.  Discussion ensued with no action.


>> Business tabled for next business meeting <<
see items 1, 2 above


Serenity Prayer


Motion to adjourn the meeting: Dave
Motion carries. 11-0

Meeting Adjourned at 21:19 CET       

Agnes & Dave  (Co-Secretary, chair)
Nikki & Stu
Dave & Noni (left before old business)
Keith & Cara (Treasurer Couple
Shawna & Gunter
Robin & Donna

Meeting called to order at 20:35 CET

Serenity prayer 

Invocation of Safety Guidelines

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Minutes corrected -> Spelling of names
Motion to approve: Don
Second: Nikki
Motion carries. 10 in favor, o opposed, 1 abstain

Treasurer report

February 27 to March 26, 2022

Opening balance: $619.27
Fees: $ 6.37
Total Debit: $6.37
7th Tradition: $ 73.00
Closing Balance: $685.90

In Loving Service
Keith & Cara

Motion to approve Treasurer report

Dave.    Seconded by Don

Motion Carries. 11 in favor, 0 opposed

Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items



>> Old Business <<

Motion from Nikki & Stu

Delay start of business meeting on the last Sunday to allow up to 10 minutes to accommodate fellowship for newcomers.

seconded by Don

Motion Carries 9 in favor, 0 opposed


>> New business <<

Motion from David
Add language to the script: We encourage everyone to stay for the business meeting today. Please help us keep our group working well!

add: The business meeting will begin at 40 past the hour, allowing up to 10 minutes of fellowship to welcome newcomers.

seconded by Nikki

Motion carries 9 in favor, o opposed


Contact List Update: Stu & Nikki

Several couples who are regular attendees have not verified their intention to remain on the contact list.  Stu will reach out to them individually to confirm their intention.

>> Business tabled for next business meeting <<


Serenity Prayer


Motion to adjourn the meeting: Dave
Motion carries. 9-0

Meeting Adjourned at 20.57