RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting, Jan 29, 2023



Robin and Donna

Jared and Julia

Nikki and Stu

Shawna and Gunter

Agnes and Dave

Don and Robin


Cherie and Ellie


Barton and Rebecca

Kapiko and David


Meeting called to order at 1:38pm CST

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: David

Second: Barton

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Keith irw Cara presents the report:

Trailblazers Treasurers Report


November – December 2022

Opening Balance $373.59

Fees $4.90

7th Tradition $60

Closing Balance $428.69


January 2023

Opening Balance $428.69

Fees $5.61

7th Tradition $65

Closing Balance $488.08


Motion to approve: Dave

Second: Barton

Motion carries


Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items




Service Positions


Motion to extend the meeting by 10 minutes: Shawna

Second: ?

Motion Carries


>>Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

1. How to go about with the passwords. As service positions rotate, the passwords have remaid the same for web, Google emails, PayPal, Zoom accounts to ensure they remain secure. 

Motion: Don will work with secretaries to create a written proposal for us to vote on at the next business meeting.

Second: Keith

Motion carries


>> New business

1. Barton offers another option for the timer. There is an app with the zoom account where the timer clock appears on your screen. Timer has to be made co-host. It is optionable only and not mandatory. Barton will write up instructions on how to use the app if anyone wants to. No vote is necessary.


Motion to extend the meeting by 3 minutes: David

Second: Shawna

Motion Carries


2. David and Kapiko – The convention is coming up and the Structure committee requires that each group rank the importance of the 8 ballot proposals. Proposals must be ranked and returned by March 15th which means we need to vote at the next business meeting in February. Proposals will be published and can be reviewed before the next business meeting. Jared and Julia will add it to the secretary’s announcements. 


>> Business tabled for next business meeting.



Motion to adjourn the meeting:  Shawna


Motion carries


Meeting Adjourned at 2:15 CST     


Serenity Prayer