
Rebecca and Barton

Robin and Donna

Agnes and Dave

Don and Robin

Jared and Julia


Meeting called to Order at 11:36 A.M. PST

  1. Serenity prayer
  2. Review and approval of minutes from May 2024

Motion to approve: Robin,  Second by Dave. Motion carries unanimously.

Chair Reports

Secretary – Barton: Dave and Noni have agreed to be Co-Secretary Couple for every other meeting.

Treasurer – Jared

Activity Summary (5/26/2024 – 6/29/2024)
Beginning Available Balance 997.42
Payments received 45.00
Payments sent -287.64 (Web site renewal – 3 years)
Withdrawals and Debits 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Fees -3.41
Ending Available Balance 751.37

Motion to approve Treasurer report – Barton, Second by Don. Motion carries unanimously.

Greeter – Cara and Keith: n/a

Contact List – Dave and Agnes: n/a

Web – Robin and Donna: Website is up to date.  Renewed website for 3 years.


Old Business


New Business

Robin and Donna are going to the convention this year, but will be traveling for the first part of the first day. 

Motion to add to announcements to nominate Robin and Donna – Dave, Second by Barton. Motion carries unanimously.


Motion to adjourn the meeting – Jared, Second by Dave. Motion carries unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:52 P.M. PST

Serenity Prayer