RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting, May 26, 2024


Robin and Don

Jared and Julia

David and Kapiko

Daved and Noni

Barton and Rebecca

Joe and Silvia

Robin and Donna


Meeting called to order at 1:25pm CST with Serenity prayer.


Review and approval of minutes from the April business meeting

Motion to approve: Barton and Rebecca

Second: Julia and Jared

Approved unanimously

Treasurer report

Not available during meeting. Will table vote to approve April treasurer report in June.  Robin will post Treasurer Report with May 2024 business meeting minutes for review by members during the upcoming month:

Activity Summary (4/28/2024 – 5/25/2024) USD
Beginning Available Balance 955.83
Payments received 45.00
Payments sent 0.00
Withdrawals and Debits 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Fees -3.41
Ending Available Balance 997.42

Secretary Report: Rebecca and Barton: No news.

Literature Report: N/A

Welcome Couple Report: N/A

Web Couple Report: Robin and Donna: Web page up to date – No other news.


>>Unfinished business

  1. Motion – Nominate Dave and Noni as Co-Secretary couple for remainder of service cycle until October rotation.  They accept nomination. They will be the Trailblazers co-secretaries every-other Sunday. – Barton and Rebecca; Second – Jared and Julia; Approved unanimously.

>> New business


Motion to adjourn the meeting:  Don and Robin

Second: Barton and Rebecca

Motion carries

Meeting Adjourned at 1:32 CST with  Serenity Prayer.