Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes – 28/3/21

Minutes by: Katy & Anatoly



Quin & Lance

Nikki & Stu

Dave & Noni

Anatoly & Katy

Kirsten & Michael


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Time keeper: Stu



Review and approval of minutes of February 2021 business meeting

Name-typo and “p.e.” need to be corrected

Motion to approve with corrections brought up: Stu

Second: Dave and Noni

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Dave and Noni present the report for Feb.27/21-Mar 28/21

Opening Balance – $1204.53

7th Tradition Contributions – $146.00

Expenses – Fees $8.75

Newcomer PKG. $12.88

Closing Balance- $1328.89

Motion: Report approved as it was read

Motion to approve: Quin

Second: Katy

Motion carries


Newcomer report by Nikki and Stu

11 new couples since Feb 21st, some requests for 2 packets when couples live apart.

Stu is preparing electronic newcomer packet.

Treasurer couple is responsible for sending out to the US.

Welcome couple´s phone number is provided on the form to order books from WSO website.


Unfinished business

Nikki: What are we going to do when we have business meeting and newcomers at the same time? Someone suggested to make breakout rooms. Nikki is not in favor of it.

Motion by Stu: After the meeting we will have a up to 10 min meeting with newcomers and will then start with the business meeting. This announcement will be put in the format where the business meeting is mentioned.

Second: Nikki

Motion carries



Motion to adjourn: Anatoly

Second: Stu

Motion Carries


Serenity Prayer