Shawna & Gunter
Lance & Quin
Yemi & Stefan
Paul & Cate
Gretchen & Jason
Theodor & Beatrice
New Business:
- Zoom
- Due to difficulties with WSO’s Zoom account not letting members login, and the upcoming time change in Europe, an emergency vote was brought forward on how to proceed with the Zoom account.
- Discussion:
- Reactivating our old Zoom account would allow us to be self-supporting.
- Motion
- Re-active our old Zoom account was called by Yemi, seconded by Gretchen.
- Motion passed unanimously.
- Motion:
- Notify all members on the email list of the new Zoom number and keep the time zone based in Copenhagen was called by Quin, seconded by Shawna.
- Motion passed unanimously.
- Discussion:
- Due to difficulties with WSO’s Zoom account not letting members login, and the upcoming time change in Europe, an emergency vote was brought forward on how to proceed with the Zoom account.