Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or RCA as a whole.

Each RCA group is autonomous and responsible to its own group conscience. However, we strive to conduct our work in the program according to the spiritual principles outlined in the Traditions. Following our Traditions safeguards our program, guiding us while not controlling us, allowing us to act independently but reminding us to be ever mindful of our group as part of the larger fellowship.

RCA is less a top-down organization than a bottom-up fellowship made up of couples in recovery. But when our plans concern the welfare of neighboring groups, those groups ought to be consulted. No group, regional committee, couple or individual should ever take any action that might affect RCA as a whole without conferring with World Service Board. On such issues our common welfare must be paramount.

Each group is responsible to conduct itself in a way that is good for the fellowship as a whole. The RCA Blue Book has Safety Guidelines and a suggested meeting format in it to explain how to conduct meetings. Each group is free to choose its own meeting program and topics for discussion; to decide where and when it shall meet and how the funds will be apportioned.

We all strive to carry a unified message to the couples who are still suffering. To do this, it is RCAs intention to be open to all sincere couples; to use conference approved literature; and to provide a safe place for the sharing of our pain and hope. To check how well we are doing this, it is suggested each meeting regularly take its own inventory. Further, it suggested that local groups conduct periodic business meetings where discussion at length may be indicated. Minority opinions are to be aired and taken into consideration. Each RCA group is responsible to take the time to know the Traditions and understand why they are important to the Fellowship.