Minutes by: Katy & Anatoly
Dave & Noni
Anatoly & Katy
Kirsten & Michael
Tim & Nicki
Stu & Nikki
Robin & Donna
Meeting called to order
Serenity prayer
Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes
Time keeper: Tim
Review and approval of minutes of March 2021 business meeting
Motion to approve with corrections brought up: Dave
Second: Anatoly
Motion carries
Treasurer report
Dave and Noni present the report for Mar 28/21 – Apr. 24/21
Opening Balance – $1328.89
7th Tradition Contributions – $81
Expenses – Fees $6.19
Newcomer PKG. $17.76
Closing Balance- $1385.94
Motion: Report approved as it was presented
Motion to approve: Katy
Second: Robin
Motion carries
Newcomer report by Nikki and Stu
11 new couples since Feb 21st, some couples request 2 packets when they live apart.
Stu is preparing an electronic newcomer packet.
Treasurer couple is responsible for sending out the newcomer packet within the US.
Welcome couple´s phone number is provided on the form to order books from the WSO website.
New business (for business meeting in May):
Renewal of the hosting of the website: price for 3 years $287.64 due on June 23rd
Dave and Noni will forward the offer to the group.
Motion to adjourn: Anatoly
Second: David
Motion Carries
Serenity Prayer