
Julia & Jared

Shawna & Günter

Robin and Don

David (& Kapiko)

Cara (& Keith)

Nikki & Stu

Cherie & Ellie

Andrew (& Emma)

Rivky (& Yanky)


Meeting called to order at 1:38 CST

Serenity prayer

Request granted for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 22 minutes



Review and approval of minutes from the October business meeting

Motion to approve: David and Kapiko

Second: Barton and Rebecca



Review and approval of minutes from Emergency business meeting

Motion to approve: Andrew and Emma

Second: Barton and Rebecca



Treasurer report from Oct. 30th – Nov. 11th 2023

Previous Balance : $ 919,19

Fees: $ – 2.34

Payments: $ – 570.00

7th Tradition: $ 25.00

Closing Balance: $ 371.85


Payments went towards reimbursement of Delegate couple: 400$ 7th tradition + 170$ member donations.

Motion to approve: Julia and Jared

Second: Robin and Don



Secretary Service position description amendment

Motion – Change Description for Co-Secretary to shift duties for Business Meeting and taking Meeting Minutes to a new position (Business Meeting Chair), and couples who hold existing service positions can take this position in addition if no new couples volunteer.  Shift duties for posting minutes to website to the Webmaster couple. Motion – Jared and Julia

Second – Don and Robin


Abstensions – 2 couples:

Abstensions – Have difficulty filling positions we already have.  Will creating new position encourage more people to take on positions? – David and Kapiko.

Motion to Extend meeting time 10 minutes.

Unanimously approved

Tabled business:

  1. Announce new Business Meeting Chair service position.
  2. Heightened security and organization for account logins and password. Met with Ruth and Debbie to get this organized with the Webmaster couple.  Will give a finalized report in December.


Motion to adjourn the meeting:


Second: Barton and Rebecca

Motion carries


Meeting  Adjourned at 2:07 CST

Serenity Prayer