Minutes by: Katy and Anatoly



Robin & Donna

David & Kapiko

Dave & Noni


Katy & Anatoly

Quin & Lance


Meeting called to order

Serenity Prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Request for approval of minutes from August 2021: Anatoly

Second : Robin

Abstaining: Noni

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Dave & Noni present the report, Aug 29/21 -Sept 25/21:

Beginning –      $631.38

7th Tradition – $86.00

Fee’s –               $8.68

End-                  $708.70

Motion to approve the numbers in the treasurer’s report: David

Second: Tim

Motion carries


No other reports


Old business:


Secretary couple is going to update announcement about rotation of service positions in the October business meeting, and is going to send out an email to everyone in the group informing about it, and offering to answer questions.

The update for the treasurer position should be sent for an update to Quin.

Robin: motion to change announcements, inform fellows per email also per chat during the meeting every week.

David: second

Motion carries


New business:


Dave suggests mentoring other couples who take on new positions. Discussion takes place, different viewpoints are presented. No motion needed.


There will be a time change on Oct 31 European time.

We should remind ahead of time in the announcements that the meeting always takes place at 7 pm Copenhagen time.

David reminds that there is some information about the time change in the script.  


During the last business meeting necessary changes in the script were discussed and a process was set up. As nothing has been done the topic will be picked up again in the next business meeting.


Motion by Katy to adjourn.

Second: Don

Motion carries.


Serenity prayer