Jared & Julia
Agnes & Dave
Donna & Robin
Nikki & Stu
Tom & Floortje
Paul & Martha
Meeting called to order
Serenity prayer
Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes
Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting
Motion approved
Treasurer report
Treasurers are not present, we do not have a current update ready.
Treasurer report tabled.
Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items
Service Positions
Treasurer Position remains unfilled.
Paul expresses interest, he will look into that and let us know.
Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)
From David and Kopiko:
WSO Announcement re: Special Ballot, Call for Proposals: 2022 WSO Business Meeting
First proposal:
Adopt the voting process used in the 2021 virtual ABM to be used in normal in-person ABMs by amending the RCA Standing Rules for the Annual Meetings (see link)
Proposal approved unanimous
Second proposal:
Amend the World Service Organization (WSO) Bylaws by adding amending paragraph 4.1.7 adding new subsection 4.1.7 b as follows: (see link)
Julia: we have to extend trust to our trustees to do what is best for RCA
Stu: The proposal is unclear as to when it may/should be invoked
Paul: Don’t fix it if it isn’t broken
Vote taken on WSO special ballot proposal #2
3 in favor
5 opposed
1 abstain
Our group votes “No” on WSO special ballot proposal # 2
Old business:
Stu and NIkki Proposal to edit the RCA Trailblazers contact list by requiring an opt-in – by group conscience at the November business meeting, this will be brought to the membership at least 3 times by placing in announcements prior to vote. This item will be placed on the January agenda.
New Business: Proposal by Tom and Floortje to remove the language from the 7th tradition “remember 3 to survive and 5 to thrive”. This item tabled as the couple had to leave the meeting and were not present.
Motion to adjourn David
Second: Julia
Serenity Prayer
Meeting adjourned 21:24 CET