Agnes & Dave  (Co-Secretary, chair)
Tom & Floortje (Co-Secretary, minutes)
Nikki & Stu
Dave & Noni (Treasurer Couple)
David & Kapiko
Yanky & Rivki
Keith S
Martha & Paul
Robin & Donna
Jared & Julia

Meeting called to order at 20:38 CET

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Minutes corrected -> 7th Tradition for December was $389
Motion to approve: David
Second: Stu
Motion carries

Treasurer report

January 30 to February 26 2022

Opening balance: $1189.22
Fees: $ 6.95
WSO contribution: $639.00
Total Debit: $645.95
7th Tradition: $ 76.00
Closing Balance: $619.27

In Loving Service
Dave and Noni

Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items


Service Positions
New Treasurer Couple voted in -> Keith & Cara
All in favor

The announcement that we look for a new Treasurer Couple can be removed

Motion to extend the meeting by 10 minutes: Dave
Motion carries

>> New business <<

Motion from Tom & Floortje
Set the length to max 20 and extend it with max 10 minutes
Amended: Set the default length to 30 min and extend it with max 10 minutes
4 in favor, 6 opposed.
Motion does not carry

>> Business tabled for next business meeting <<
Making sure newcomers can still get questions answered – start 10 minutes later.

Motion to adjourn the meeting: Dave
Motion carries

Meeting Adjourned at 21.07       

Serenity Prayer