Agnes & Dave  (Co-Secretary, chair)
Nikki & Stu
Dave & Noni (left before old business)
Keith & Cara (Treasurer Couple
Shawna & Gunter
Robin & Donna

Meeting called to order at 20:35 CET

Serenity prayer 

Invocation of Safety Guidelines

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Minutes corrected -> Spelling of names
Motion to approve: Don
Second: Nikki
Motion carries. 10 in favor, o opposed, 1 abstain

Treasurer report

February 27 to March 26, 2022

Opening balance: $619.27
Fees: $ 6.37
Total Debit: $6.37
7th Tradition: $ 73.00
Closing Balance: $685.90

In Loving Service
Keith & Cara

Motion to approve Treasurer report

Dave.    Seconded by Don

Motion Carries. 11 in favor, 0 opposed

Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items



>> Old Business <<

Motion from Nikki & Stu

Delay start of business meeting on the last Sunday to allow up to 10 minutes to accommodate fellowship for newcomers.

seconded by Don

Motion Carries 9 in favor, 0 opposed


>> New business <<

Motion from David
Add language to the script: We encourage everyone to stay for the business meeting today. Please help us keep our group working well!

add: The business meeting will begin at 40 past the hour, allowing up to 10 minutes of fellowship to welcome newcomers.

seconded by Nikki

Motion carries 9 in favor, o opposed


Contact List Update: Stu & Nikki

Several couples who are regular attendees have not verified their intention to remain on the contact list.  Stu will reach out to them individually to confirm their intention.

>> Business tabled for next business meeting <<


Serenity Prayer


Motion to adjourn the meeting: Dave
Motion carries. 9-0

Meeting Adjourned at 20.57