Minutes by: Theodor & Beatrice



Bea & Theodor

David & Kapiko

Shawna & Gunther

Dave & Noni

Quin & Lance

Jared & Julia


Agnes & Dave

Don & Robin

Katy & Anatoly

Nikki & Stu

Tom & Floortje

Tim & Nicki


Meeting called to order at 20:32

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: Don

Second: Quinn

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Dave & Noni presents the report, Sept 26/21-Oct 30/21:

Opening balance $ 708.70
Fee’s                          $ 10.82
Expense                  $179.50 (Zoom)
7th Tradition         $151.00

Closing Balance    $669,38

Motion to approve: Stu

Second: Tom

Motion carries


Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items



Rotation of Service Positions

  • Co-Secretary Couples (two positions)
    Nominations: Agnes & Dave, Tom & Floortje
    Motion to approve: Quin
    Second: Beatrice
    Motion carries


  • Welcome Couple
    Nominations: Jared & Julia
    Motion to approve: David
    Second: Nikki
    Motion carries


  • Contact List Couple
    Nominations: Stu & Nikki
    Motion to approve: Quin
    Second: Eleanne
    Motion carries


  • Treasury Couple
    No volunteers. Service position will be open again at the next business meeting.
  • Webmaster Couple
    Nominations: Shawna & Gunther
    Motion to approve: Stu
    Second: Katy
    Motion carries


Motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes: Nikki

Second: Robin

Motion carries


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)
Necessary changes in the script,
During the last business meeting necessary changes in the script were discussed and a process was set up. As nothing has been done the topic will be picked up again in the next business meeting.

Motion to let Stu contact Paul to hear if any progress had been made and to table the question until we hear from Paul: Robin

Second: David

Motion carries


New business
From David and Noni:
To add to the description of ” Secretary Couple” To have a deadline for the minutes to be written and posted to the RCA Trailblazers website blog within a reasonable time (ie; 2 weeks before next business meeting.) This will ensure members have an opportunity to read over and check for errors or omissions.

Amendment by David: With duties of the secretary couple aspire to have the minutes written and posted in a timely fashion in a reasonable time prior to the business meeting.

Second: Bea

Motion carries

Nikki abstains

Anatoly abstains


Business tabled for next business meeting.

To have a new position added as “Business meeting chairperson” Selection of person(s) that has the ability to conduct the business with a sense of neutrality, staying on point and knowledge of Steps, Traditions and Concepts. An understanding of Roberts Rules and making sure the minority voice is heard.


Motion to adjourn the meeting: Katy

Second: Tom

Motion carries

Meeting Adjourned at 21.15       


Serenity Prayer