
David irw Kapiko

Rebecca and Barton

Robin and Donna

Ellie irw Cherie

Cara irw Keith

Jared irw Julia

Don and Robin


Meeting called to Order at 11:40 A.M. PST

  1. Serenity prayer
  2. Review and approval of minutes from January 28, 2024

Motion to approve: Barton,  Second by Robin. Motion carries unanimously.

  1. Chair Reports

a. Secretary – Barton

In contact with Andrew and Emma.  They agreed to be co-secretary for another 3 months.

b. Treasurer – Jared

Activity Summary (1/28/2024 – 2/24/2024)
Beginning Available Balance 809.03
Payments received 60.00
Payments sent 0.00
Withdrawals and Debits 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Fees -4.90
Ending Available Balance 864.13

Motion to approve Treasurer report – Robin, Second by Ellie. Motion carries unanimously

c. Greeter – Cara

Not been at all meetings.  Been getting covered.  We need to discuss about our ability to keep the commitment, but as of now it works.

d. Contact List – Dave and Agnes

Not present.

e. Web Team – Robin

Minutes from last business meeting were posted.  Will discuss Web Security Committee Meeting Report later.  Nothing else to report.


Old Business

a. Web Team Security Committee meeting report – Robin. 

i. RCA Trailblazers Web Team Security Meeting, November 18, 2023
The security policy discussion included a recommendation that Robin irw Donna would meet individually with Ruth irw Debbie once Ruth met with web service provider to discuss the capabilities to make it more secure and to explore the existence of a secure place to store Trailblazers documents including a password storage document.  The discussion in this meeting also included a two factor authentication procedure to add additional security.
ii. Meeting with Trailblazer Website Originators, Ruth irw Debbie, December 1, 2023
Robin met with Ruth subsequent to her discussions with the web service provider. Ruth confirmed that the web service provider package that Trailblazers subscribes to includes FTP and secure storage where Trailblazers documents can be securely stored (potentially including a password file and service position details and documentation). This storage can serve as a central password location which will be useful with rotation of leadership and changing service position holders.  Ruth had the password to web service provider ’s account management panel  (where the Trailblazers domain and hosting plans are managed) and email management panel (email address forwarding for service positions) changed. Robin and Ruth are currently the only holders of this particular password. The password for the web page editor for the Trailblazers web pages has not changed.

Motion – Robin, Second by Barton: That a password document be created to save all passwords.  It will be uploaded to the secure storage on web service provider along with any other service description documents. Motion carries unanimously.

Motion for Web Team Security Committee to continue work to discuss two-factor authentication and include Jared – made by Barton, Second by Don. Motion carries unanimously.

b. Discussion to continue to announce for Business Meeting Secretary. No volunteers for service position have stepped up yet.  Motion to table – Donna, Second by Barton. Motion carries unanimously.

New Business

There was no new business to discuss.

Motion to adjourn the meeting – Don, Second by Barton. Motion carries unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 12:07 P.M. PST

Serenity Prayer