
Julia & Jared

Shawna &Günter

Agnes & Dave

Robin & Don

Rivky & Yanky

Cate & Paul


Meeting called to order at 20:32 CET

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes


Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: ?

Second: ?

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Keith irw Cara were not present:

Tabled until next week.


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting):

Group accounts and Assets Security Policy

Do we need to update the security of Trailblazers accounts by updating passwords and instating 2F authentication?

Motion: Task volunteer team Dave, Gunther, and Don to investigate what we can and can’t do with our accounts and bring that information back to the group.

Second: Julia

Motion carries

Business tabled for next meeting:  Robin & Don

Calendar issue and linking to the RCA website since we are having trouble keeping calendar updated.

Motion to adjourn the meeting : Robin

Second: Yanky

Meeting Adjourned at 21:01 CET        

Serenity Prayer