Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes – 28/2/21
Minutes by: Katy & Anatoly
Quin & Lance
Nikki & Stu
Dave & Noni
Jared & Julia
Theodor & Beatrice
Anatoly & Katy
Barton & Rebecca
Meeting called to order
Serenity prayer
Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes
Review and approval of minutes of January 2021 business meeting
Motion to approve: Stu
Second: Nikki
Motion carries
Treasurer report
January 31 2021 to February 27, 2021
Closing Balance: $1204.52
Contributions: $96.00
Fees: $7.45
Expense’s (newcomer package): $9.25
Opening Balance: $1125.22
Motion: Report approved as it was read
Motion to approve: Quin
Second: Katy
Motion carries
Nikki and Jared abstaining
Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)
Quin & Lance: suggestion to have a monthly alternative daily reader writing, karaoke, game night; rotating at a specific time
Exchange of ideas about time and organization
Motion that we put it on announcements and set up a committee
Motion to approve: Quin
Second: Katy
Tabled business
Nikki: How to treat and deal with newcomers, e.g. breakout room
Motion to adjourn: David
Second: Stu
Motion Carries
Serenity Praye