Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes – 31/1/21

Minutes by: Theodor & Beatrice


Nikki & Stu

Theodor & Beatrice

Anatoly & Katy

David & Kapiko

Quin & Lance

Jared & Julia

Tim & Nicki


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Review and approval of minutes of December 2020 business meeting

Motion to approve: Anatoly

Second: Quin

Motion carries


Treasurer’s report

Januarys’ treasury report:

Closing Balance: $1077.72

Contributions: $264.00

Fees: $15.51

Expenses: $10.80 (newcomer package)

Opening Balance: $840.03

Motion to approve: Stu

Second: Quin

Motion carries


Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items

Nikki appointed timekeeper


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

Approval of December’s treasury report:

Opening balance (November 29th): 745.59

Donations: 118

Fees: 8.57

Expenses: 14.97 (domain renewal)

Closing balance (December 26th): 840.03

Motion to approve: Anatoly

Second: David

Motion carries


Motion: Adding service positions before names during the ZOOM meetings. (Nikki)

Second: Anatoly

Motion fails


New business

Motion: Make an electronic welcome packet.  (Nikki and Stu)

Second: Anatoly

Friendly amendment: To have both an electronic and physical welcome letter.

Motion with amendment carries


Tabled business:

Lance: Schedule another karaoke and RCA Daily reader submission night

Quin: Schedule a couples game night for fellowship



Motion to adjourn: David

Second: Stu

Motion Carries


Serenity Prayer