Minutes: Shawna & Günter


David & Agnes

Jared & Julia

Keith & Cara

Robin & Don



Tim & Nicki


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length to 30 minutes

Time keeper: Robin irw Don



Review and approval of minutes of Sept 2022 business meeting:

One alteration made: in theme “Sharing time” anonymous ==> unanimous

Motion to approve minutes: David

Second: Don &Robin

Motion carried


Treasurer report

Keith & Cara shared treasurer’s report as follows:

Opening balance: $1,416.30

7th Tradition: $90,00

Fees: $6.26

Transfer to WSO: $1180.48

Closing balance: 319.39

Motion to approve the Treasury Report:  Julia

Motion carried


Unfinished business

Treasury – 7th Tradition

Should we send money to WSO? (Prudent reserve is $400 as voted on in Minutes of 10.28.18.)

The group voted to transfer $1000.00 to WSO

Service Rotation

Secretary couple: Jared & Julia. Shawna and Günter will be Co-Secretary until another couple steps in, or the Web service position is taken by another couple.

Welcome couple: Dave & Agnes

Web couple: Shawna & Günter (until another couple offers)

Treasury couple: Keith & Cara (wish to continue this service because they got the position only 6 months ago)

Contact list couple: Don & Robin


Motion to adjourn by Don

Second: Robin

Motion carried


Thank you everyone for participating and for your service in Trailblazers!!


Serenity prayer