
Robin and Donna

Don and Robin

Agnes and Dave

Rivky and Yanky

Jared and Julia

Stu and Nicky

Dave and Noni

Melinda and Kevin


Meeting called to Order at 11:40 A.M. PST

Serenity prayer

Duration of meeting: 30 minutes.  Robin volunteered to be timekeeper.


Review and approval of minutes from June 2024

Motion to approve: Dave,  Second by Rivky. Motion carries unanimously.

Chair Reports

  • Secretary – Dave and Noni: n/a
  • Treasurer – Jared and Julia

Activity Summary (7/28/2024 – 8/24/2024)
Beginning Available Balance 792.96
Payments received 114.46
Payments sent 0.00 -40.06
Withdrawals and Debits 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Fees -7.60
Transfers -54.46
Ending Available Balance 845.36

Reminder to send $400 stipend to Robin and Donna.  Reminder to change “Payments received” to “7th tradition” in Activity Summary.

Motion to approve Treasurer report – Noni, Second by Don. Motion carries unanimously.

  • Greeter – Don and Robin volunteer to step in for Cara and Keith to finish year as Greeter couple.
  • Contact List – Dave and Agnes: n/a
  • Web – Robin and Donna: Website is up to date.


Old Business:


New Business:

  1. Motion to allow leader couple to decide on the sharing time based on the size of the meeting – Noni. Second by Agnes. Amendment to motion by Robin to allow leader couple to decide on the sharing time as 2 or 3 minutes based on the size of the meeting. 13 in favor. 1 opposed. 1 abstain. Motion carries. No minority statement.
  2. Motion to have 1 couple to read Unity Prayer and ask all others to mute – Noni. Second by Dave. 12 in favor. 1 opposed. 2 abstain. Motion carries. Minority statement: I don’t mind cacophony and it’s a reminder we are a “we” program.
  3. Discussion of streamlining announcements – tabled to next business meeting.
  4. Motion to adjourn the meeting – Jared, Second by Dave. Motion carries unanimously.


Meeting Adjourned at 12:12 P.M. PST

Serenity Prayer