Group voted to add verbiage to the leader’s script to say something like:
“Can we have a volunteer couple to be our timers today? Please use the audio as well as visual cues to let people know their time is up”
Gunter and Shawna were not at meeting, but Dave and Noni were present.The two couples are still trying to get together to discuss the treasurer position. They will report back to the group at the next bus meeting about group’s finances and WSO donation.
Regarding paypal account, Dave and Noni found that the group needs to have a business account and that requires a tax id/registration number. They are looking into using “internet banking” instead of paypal for the Trailblazers account. They will do more research about simply opening up a bank account in the name of “Trailblazers” and having people make electronic donations to it. 
Oscar said that a personal PP account can be transformed into a business account.
Maureen offered to do research with another 12 step offshoot group she is part of (which has a paypal account) to find out how they do it.
NEW BUS: Chris brought up idea of adding more detail to the leader script so that each week it is clear exactly what the leaders should say. for ex., on the last Sun of month, when it is a tradition study meeting, should leaders share after they read on the tradition? Right now it’s not clear.