Meeting Date: 08/30/20 – Sunday
Minutes by: David and Kapiko
Anna and Alex
Barton and Rebecca
Ken and Anabel
Nikki and Stu
Nury and Floris
Quin and Lance
Shawna and Günter
Meeting called to order by Co-Secretary Couple Kapiko and David at 11:30 am PST (8:30 p.m. CET)
Serenity Prayer
Request for Unanimous Consent to Set Meeting Length at 30 Minutes
July 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved
Motion to approve – Quin
Second – Stu
Minutes approved
Treasurer’s Report
Bea presented the Treasurer Couple’s report:
Beginning balance (July 26, 2020) = $719.91
7th Tradition = $233.00
Payment fees = ($12.73)
Welcome packets (to newcomers) = ($10.80)
Welcome packets (Europe, bulk order to Shawna and Günter = ($119.75)
Ending balance (August 29, 2020) = $809.63
Bea announced that a transfer will be made to the WSO at the end of August.
Motion to approve – Quin
Second – Shawna
Unfinished Business (Tabled from Last Business Meeting)
- Determination of Date for Daily Reader Jam Session
Quin suggested that we select a date and time for the Daily Reader Jam Session (which had been approved at the previous meeting). Quin related the results of a poll of the officers for available dates. A group conscience discussion followed.
Motion to set the event for Saturday, November 14, 2020 – Kapiko
Second – Bea
Following further discussion, it was agreed by group conscience: The event will take place at 10 a.m. PST (7 p.m. CET) and will last for up to two hours.
- Addition of Materials to Recovery Readings on RCA Trailblazers Website
Motion to add to the RCA Trailblazers website, under Recovery Readings, the article from the Fall 2015 RCA WSO online publication, “Hand in Hand,” entitled “Does Your RCA Group Ever Talk About Sex,” which includes a “Healthy Sexuality Inventory” – Shawna
Second – Quin
Following discussion and group conscience, the motion passed.
New Business
- Confirmation of Appointment of Stu and Nikki as Trailblazers Welcome Couple
It was moved and seconded to confirm the appointment of Stu and Nikki as the Trailblazers Welcome Couple for the balance of the term expiring October 31, 2020.
- Moving Text in Leader Script, Before “Safety Guidelines”
It was moved and seconded to move the text in the meeting leader script, “Would [secretary selects a member] read: Page 55 in the 4th Edition,” into the shaded area containing the Safety Guidelines.
Administrative Matters
By group conscience, the meeting was extended for an additional 10 minutes.
Additional Old Business
- Motion to Schedule a Fellowship Zoom Karaoke Day
Quin described her motion to have a karaoke event on Zoom. Following discussion and group conscience, it was moved and seconded to schedule the karaoke event for October 11, 2020, immediately following the Sunday Trailblazers meeting. By group conscience it was further agreed: Quin and Lance will organize. Couples may sing together as a couple or separately, at their choice. The event will last up to two hours. Quin and Lance will take requests, either in advance by e-mail, or during the event, by Zoom chat. The event will be posted in Trailblazers announcements, and Quin and Lance will send the announcement to everyone on the contact list.
- Editing of Meeting Leader Script
It was agreed that the Co-Secretary Couple will edit the meeting leader script and submit nonsubstantive changes to the Web Couple in order to change the script on the Trailblazers website.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed. The meeting concluded at 12:10 p.m. PST (9:10 p.m. CET).
Serenity Prayer