Robin and Donna
Don and Robin
Jared and Julia
Gunter and Shawna
Beatrice and Theodore
Meeting called to Order at 11:40 A.M. PST
Serenity prayer
Duration of meeting: 30 minutes. Shawna volunteered to be timekeeper.
Review and approval of minutes from July 2024
Motion to approve with amendments/revisions: Dave, Second by Shawna. Motion carries unanimously.
Chair Reports
Secretary – Barton: n/a
Treasurer – Jared and Julia
Activity Summary (8/25/2024 – 9/28/2024)
Beginning Available Balance 845.36
7th tradition received 145.00
Payments sent -10.54
Withdrawals and Debits 0.00
Deposits and Credits 0.00
Fees -6.79
Ending Available Balance 973.03
Reminder to send $400 stipend to Robin and Donna. Reminder to change “Payments received” to “7th tradition” in Activity Summary.
Motion to approve Treasurer report. Motion carries unanimously.
Greeter – Don and Robin: n/a
Contact List – Dave and Agnes: n/a
Web – Robin and Donna: n/a
Old Business
New Business
Discussion of streamlining announcements: Motion for Secretary to read Announcement headlines and summarize important details, then says if you want details, go to Announcements webpage. Secretary puts a link to the Announcements into the chat. – Robin of Robin irw Donna, Second by Robin of Don irw Robin. Motion carries unanimously.
Shawna – We need to start announcing during the meeting…
- time change is coming up on last week of October and
- business positions will be coming up for renewals at end of October. Changing next business meeting date to accommodate the time change.
- Robin – Web Team will post these announcements and make changes to Lead Couple Script.
Barton expressed a concern that changing the sharing time from 2 min. to 3 min. is a problem for people who show up late and don’t get to share.
Motion to adjourn the meeting – Dave, Second by Don. Motion carries unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:03 P.M. PST
Serenity Prayer