Tom & Floortje  co-secretary couple (chair)
Rivky & Yanky
Agnes & Dave  co-secretary couple (minutes)
Nikki & Stu

Meeting called to order  20:35 CET

Serenity prayer
Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes
Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: Nikki     Second: Dave
Motion carried
Treasurer report

28 Nov, 2021 – 25 Dec, 2021    (corrected)

Opening Balance:      $ 766.07
Fees:                               $ -20.12
Purchase:                     $ -27.17 (N.C packet, Inmotion Hosting)
Total Debit:                 $ -47.29
7th Tradition:             $  389.00
Closing Balance:        $ 1107.78

26 Dec, 2021 – 29 Jan 2022

Opening Balance: $1107.78
Fees:                          $    -9.20
Literature:              $   -18.36
Total Debit:            $    -27.56
7 th Tradition:       $   109.00
Closing Balance:   $ 1189.22

Motion to approve Treasurer Report: Dave    Second: Yanky

Motion Carried

Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items
Service Positions
Treasurer Position remains unfilled.

Noni and Dave will continue to serve until another couple comes forward
Old business:
Stu and NIkki Proposal to edit the RCA Trailblazers contact list by requiring an opt-in. Everyone on the list will receive an email at their address of record and asked to opt-in to remain on the list.  This will be sent out 3 times. Anyone opting out or not responding will be removed from the list.

Motion to Approve: Noni   Second: Agnes

Motion Carried

New Business:

Proposal by Tom and Floortje to remove the language from the 7th tradition  Remember when it is your turn to donate: “3 to survive, and 5 to thrive.”  

Motion to approve: Dave   Second: Stu

Motion Carried


Announcements – Noni will send text of announcement re: WSO annual meeting for inclusion in announcements



Discussion of items on announcements that may no longer be relevant


Motion to adjourn: Tom   Second: Stu

Serenity Prayer

Meeting adjourned 21:05 CET