
Donna and Robin




Tammi & John

Shawna and Günter

Agnes and Dave

Robin and Don





Meeting called to order at 20:36 CET

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length to end at 21:00


Spiritual timekeeper: Robin & Donna

Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: Robin

Second: Don

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Treasurers were not present, we will request a report and add it later.

March 2023:

Previous Balance : $ 546.52

Fees: $ –

Total Expenses : $ –

7th Tradition: $

Closing Balance: $


Webmaster report (received after the meeting)

The readings on the website do not match the current edition of the RCA basic text book. The Webmaster is currently making the texts to match the 4th edition version. Steps 1-6 have been completed.
Thank you for your service Donna & Robin!


New business:

Reviewing  the Trailblazer meeting details (on WSO Recovering Couples Website)

We were informed by RCA:org webmaster that one sentence from the Trailblazer meeting description (that singles are also welcome) was removed because they thought it went against the RCA Traditions. This was a misunderstanding and the description has now been restored.

The Chairs of WSO attended our meeting to clarify and apologise for the misunderstanding. Much appreciation for their support was expressed. We decided to review our meeting description and amend the following points.

Motion to:

  • Add “individuals whether their partner is present or not.”
  • Remove “Sex Addiction” categorization from our meeting description.
  • Remove the duplicated information about Copenhagen, Denmark from the bottom of the description.

Second: David

Motion carries


Contact Person for WSO
Webmaster from WSO is asking for a contact person for our meeting, including a personal email address and phone number. Tammi will inquire and get back to us.

Additional Info received 27.3.23:

Tammi wrote that two addresses are requested, but not required. At the moment Secretary and Welcome couple addresses have been submitted along with Shawna’s telephone number.


Motion: Proposal to extend meeting time by 10 minutes

Second: Gunther


Motion to extend the meeting by 10 minutes: Dave

Second: Günter

Motion Carries


Tabled Business:

Unfinished business (introduced in Nov. 22 business meeting):

Group accounts and Assets Security Policy

Don created a proposal describing the motion. Discussion of the proposal is tabled until the next business meeting. 
This document can be found at: Link

Second: Dave

Motion carries

Motion to adjourn the meeting:  Robin

Second: Don

Motion carries


Meeting Adjourned at 21:04 CET        

Serenity Prayer