Meeting Date: 07/28/2019 – Sunday
Minutes by: Günter
Quin & Lance
Yemi & Stefan
Shawna & Günter
Ruth & Leo
Julia & Stefan
June 2019 minutes: reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Previous Balance: $ 618.18
Donations: $ 328.00
Payment / Fees: -$ 15.19
$160.88 for webhosting costs.
Current Balance: $ 930.99
Prudent reserve = $400.00
On the day of the meeting, Y&S transferred $ 230. to RCA-WSO (keeping prudent reserve of $400 plus $300 for the Delegat couple)
Treasurer’s report approved.
Old Business:
Price of website is very high ($150/ year)- Is this necessary? (Stefan irw Yemi)
Moved ahead due to urgency. The cost of the website (150$ per year) seems too high. We agreed to contact Chris and ask him to research the pricing, Quin offered to contact him.
Chris replied “Our deal I believe is not a bad deal given that it is for web hosting and email… I’m reluctant to do a migration if it doesn’t make massive difference financially and expends a lot of time. The other option is to end the website and go through world services website.”
Business Meeting Script
Group voted to adopt the format for the group conscience proceedings from the RCA Blue Book page 80 (as opposed to using Robert`s Rules). A limit of 1 minute in the go around was proposed. We will work with this format for a considerable time to see if everyone is happy with it. Vote: 5 Yes, 3 No
New Business: (To discuss)
· Web Master service position: it may be time to hand over the webmaster reins?….Chris & Emma
· Provide 1 min warning when shares are almost over. (Spence irw Sally, Quin irw Lance)
· Set last 15 minutes of meeting to invite newcomers to share or for others with a burning desire. (Lyralen irw Jude)
· Add the reflections as an optional reading on week 4 script when we read functional / dysfunctional couples. (Gretchen irw Jason)
· Read newcomer welcome as well as post in chat window (Quin irw Lance)
· Invite newcomers to stay after the meeting to chat with Welcome Couple or ask questions (Quin irw Lance)
· Create Greeter Couple role who agrees to meet w/ newcomer couples after the meeting in event Welcome Couple is not on meeting. This role can be asked for at start of each meeting. [Used in UA/OA/SAA Virtual meeting formats] (Quin irw Lance)
· Encourage newcomers to attend the 4th Sunday meeting which is a Newcomer/ Anniversary meeting. (Quin irw Lance)
Motion to adjourn: Quin & Lance proposed to adjourn at 21:02. All in favour.