RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 08/25/2019 – Sunday
Minutes by: Quin icw Lance
Shawna and Gunter
Yemi and Stefen
Lance and Quin
David and Kapiko
Ruth and Lew
Paul and Cate
Gretchen and Jason
July 2019 minutes: reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Previous Balance: $ 930.99
Donations: $ 67.00
Payment / Fees: -$ 4.75
$ 230.99 to WSO
Current Balance: $ 762.25
Prudent reserve = $400.00
Treasurer’s report approved.
Old Business:
- Reimbursing our WSO delegate couple – David and Kapiko
- Treasurer, Yemi and Stefan, will reach out with them to get their account to setup the paypal transfer
- Website hosting costs discussion.
- Revisited minutes from July meeting – Chris feels we have a good plan for now. Does not advise transferring website.
- Table and allow new web master to research – unanimous
- Web Master service position: it may be time to hand over the webmaster reins (Chris irw Emma)
Tabled – will announce availability each meeting.
- Provide 1 min warning when shares are almost over. (Spence irw Sally)
- Members shared that keeping track of time makes it difficult for the timer to focus on what was shared. (David irw Kapiko)
- Difficulty with phone /timer role (Gretchen irw Jason)
- Motion -Keep timing as it is – Shawna irw Gunter
- Second by Ruth irw Lew
- All in favor of keeping the same timing format of 3 minutes total.
- In Favor: 12
- Against: 0
- Abstaining : 1
- Set last 15 minutes of meeting to invite newcomers to share or for others with a burning desire. (Lyralen irw Jude)
- Motions:
- Susan motioned to have chair have newcomers to introduce themselves at the beginning of the meeting.
- In favor: 13 unanimous
- Shawna motioned to amend statement to announce in last 15 minutes for the newcomers to share
- In favor: 13 unanimous
- Add the reflections as an optional reading on week 4 script when we read functional / dysfunctional couples. (Gretchen irw Jason)
- Discussion:
- We keep reading step 1 when newcomers may benefit from any of these readings –reflections, topics, or characteristics – Gretchen irw Jason
- We could bring back the Topic of the month as a weekly reading – Quin icw Lance
- Motion
- Have chair choose to read reflection or characteristics of function or dysfunctional couples
- In Favor: 12
- Against: 0
- Abstaining : 1
- Discussion:
- Read newcomer welcome as well as post in chat window (Quin irw Lance)
- Discussion:
- Quin – this section was read today and took a total of 10 seconds.
- Motion:
- Chair to read the newcomer welcome as well as post in chat window
- Seconded by Shawna irw Gunter
- In favor: 13 Unanimous
New Business: (To discuss)
- Invite newcomers to stay after the meeting to chat with Welcome Couple or ask questions (Quin irw Lance)
- Create Greeter Couple role who agrees to meet w/ newcomer couples after the meeting in event Welcome Couple is not on meeting. This role can be asked for at start of each meeting. [Used in UA/OA/SAA Virtual meeting formats] (Quin irw Lance)
- Encourage newcomers to attend the 4thSunday meeting which is a Newcomer/ Anniversary meeting. (Quin irw Lance)
- Contact list couple position needs to be filled.
- Discuss having children on screen – even with headphones (Tom and Sue)
Motion to adjourn:
By: Quin icw Lance
2nd by: Shawna icw Gunter
All in favor.