Minutes by: Shawna irw Günter
Felicita and Richard
Shawna and Günter
Lance and Quin
Paul and Cate
August 2019 minutes: reviewed and approved with one amendment (re-add to the Business the motion to move the meeting time 30minutes forward).
Treasurer’s Report:
Previous Balance: $ 762.25
Donations: $ 95.00
Payment / Fees: -$ 5.98
Current Balance: $ 851.27
Prudent reserve = $400.00
The treasurer’s report was submitted post meeting so has not yet been approved.
Old Business:
- Invite newcomers to stay after the meeting to chat with Welcome Couple or ask questions (Quin irw Lance) – Motion seconded by Kapiko. All in favour. This will be added to the Newcomer script.
- Create Greeter Couple role who agrees to meet w/ newcomer couples after the meeting in event Welcome Couple is not on meeting. This role can be asked for at start of each meeting. (Quin irw Lance) – All in favour. This will be added to the script.
- Encourage newcomers to attend the 4thSunday meeting which is a Newcomer/ Anniversary meeting. (Quin irw Lance) Motion not seconded. Aborted.
- Contact list couple position needs to be filled. – Shawna and Günter will hand the position over to Paul and Cate. All approved.
New Business (To discuss)
- Discuss having children in the meeting, even with headphones. (Tom and Sue).
- Tabled – Move meeting forward 30 minutes. – for a true group conscience we decided to add this to the group announcements and vote on it in the October business meeting. All agreed.
Motion to adjourn:
By: Quin icw Lance. All in favour.