RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 01/26/20 – Sunday
Minutes by: Gretchen irw Jason
- Gretchen and Jason
- Cate and Paul
- Beatrice and Theodor
- Shawna and Gunter
- Jim and Kris
- Sally and Spence
- Barton and Rebecca
- Lance and Quin
- Tim and Nicki
Serenity Prayer
December 2019 Minutes Reviewed and Approved
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance = $765.40
Ending Balance = $828.08
7th Tradition = $68.00
Payments / Fees = ($5.32)
Prudent reserve is $300, so treasurer will send $528.08 to the World Service Organization.
Old Business
Increase Cost of Trailblazers Web Page
- Group approved the increase in web cost by $1 per month, from $12.99 to $13.99.
- Lance is looking further into simplifying web page and will share information at a later business meeting.
How Newcomers are Identified and the Last 15 Minutes of Meeting
- Add to script, “Are there any newcomers who haven’t shared, but would like to share?”
- Gretchen will add to script
New Business
Topic of Having Children Present During Meeting Revisited
- Reminder that we voted on this last year at the business meeting and the group conscience is to allow parents to make decisions regarding whether their children are present.
- No new motion regarding this topic.
- Gretchen – Motion to Adjourn
- Paul and Cate– 2nd the motion
- All in favor