
Julia & Jared

Dave irw Agnes

Shawna & Günter

Cara & Keith

Cherie irw Ellie

Cate irw Paul

Rivky irw Yanky

Eleanne irw Boris

Meeting called to order at 20:35 CET

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length to end at 21:00


Spiritual timekeeper: Shawna & Günter


Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: Dave

Second: Günter

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Treasurers presented both March and April. There is a discrepancy that we will ask the Treasury couple to resolve. The balance from Feb-March was actually $546.52 aot $519.54…

Actual Treasury report as presented by Treasury couple on June 25th 2023:


March month to date:

Feb 26th – March 25th

Previous Balance : $519.54

Fees: $ – 8.35

Total Expenses : $ – 2.20

7th Tradition: $ 20.00

Closing Balance: $ 537.34


April month to date:

March 26th – April 29th

Previous Balance : $537.34

Fees: $ – 8.35

Total Expenses : $ – 8.35

7th Tradition: $ 94.00

Closing Balance: $ $622.99


Motion to approve: Cherie

Seconded: Dave


Unfinished business: (introduced in Nov. 22 business meeting):

Group accounts and Assets Security Policy

A short discussion took place. There are two issues 1. do we want to change the passwords 2. do we need a central management of existing passwords

Are we protecting ourselves from inside Trailblazers or from external people. Don prepared an overview. Please all have a look at it so we can have an informed discussion next Business Meeting!

This document can be found at: Link

Proposed to table: Dave

Seconded: Cherie

New business:

When do we send money up to WSO?

Trailblazers has a prudent reserve of $400. We will have a look at what our costs will be and decide in the coming months what to donate.


Motion to adjourn the meeting:  Dave

Second: Julia

Motion carries

Meeting Adjourned at 20:50 CET        

Serenity Prayer