Minutes: Shawna & Günter



Jared & Julia

Keith & Cara

Robin & Don

Gunter & Shawna



Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length to 30 minutes

Time keeper: Robin irw Donna



Review and approval of minutes of August 2022 business meeting

Motion to approve minutes: David

Second: Don &Robin

Motion carried


Treasurer report

Keith & Cara shared treasurer’s report as follows:

Opening balance: $1,260.12

7th Tradition: $165.00

Fees: $8.99

Closing balance: $1,416.30

Motion to approve the Treasury Report: Don & Robin

David second

Motion carried


Unfinished business

Treasury – 7th Tradition

Should we send money to WSO? (Prudent reserve is $400 as voted on in Minutes of 10.28.18.)

The group voted to transfer $1000.00 to WSO

Newcomer packets

There are 8 Newcomer Packets left for members outside USA.

The group voted anonymously that enough Newcomer Packets are on stock for the time being.

Sharing time

Should we extend sharing time to more than 2 minutes? Or increase time per participants present??

The group voted unanimously to leave the sharing time as is.


New Business

Service Rotation

Secretary couple will add to the announcements that the service positions will rotate at the end of October.

Contact List

Suggestion to add a column on the contact list with the additional languages each couple speaks.

The group voted anonymously to add this column. The Contact list couple will decide how to implement that and let the secretary couple know of any announcements/changes that need to be made.


Motion to adjourn by Don

Second: Shawna

Motion carried


Serenity prayer