RCA Trailblazers Emergency Business Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 04/05/20 – Sunday
Minutes by: Gretchen irw Jason
- Gretchen and Jason
- Beatrice and Theodor
- David and Kapiko
- Cate and Paul
- Mike and Chantelle
- Daniel
- Quin and Lance
Emergency Business
Increased Zoom Security
- Lance and Quin raised the need to take a group conscience regarding how the group should handle the new Zoom requirement for a password or link to access the meeting
- Gretchen shared reasons Co-Secretary couples decided to post the Secretary email and send invites to those who request it: anonymity, deferring to Zoom for expertise in internet security, need to simplify Co-Secretary responsibilities
- David shared the security settings that have been applied to our current Zoom account: only host can share screen, host can remove attendees, (no recording capability)
- Cate shared the option of waiting room
- Daniel confirmed that email worked well for newcomers
- Theodore confirmed hosts ability to remove members and not allow them to return
- Co Secretary couples committed to keep an eye on the Secretary email for access requests, prior to the meeting start, and to manage any disruptions during the meeting
- Gretchen – motion to keep Secretary email on website.
- Mike – 2nd motion
- All in favor
- Lance reminded group to notify WSO
- Gretchen agreed to email decision to WSO