David (irw kapiko)
Shawna irw Gunter
Don and Robin
Rivky (irw Yanky)
Keith irw Cara
Barton (irw Rebecca)
Agnes irw Dave
Meeting called to order at 20:25 CET by secretary Dave (irw Agnes)
Serenity Prayer
Invocation of Safety Guidelines
Motion to set meeting length at 30 minutes
Robin (irw Don)
Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting
Motion to approve: Barton (irw Rebecca)
Second: Don (irw Robin)
Treasurer’s Report 26/06/2022 to 30/07/2022
26 June, 2022 to 30 July, 2022
Previous Balance: $ 882.88
Fees: $ 8.86
Total Expenses: $ 0.00
7th Tradition: $ 180.00
Closing Balance: $1054.02
Motion to approve treasurer report
David (irw Kapiko)
Second: Barton (irw Rebecca)
Motion Carried
Welcome Couple Report
Not present
Contact List Couple Report
Not present
Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items
Robin (irw Don)
>> Old business <<
- Need for a co-secretary couple for the remainder of their term
Shawna irw Gunter volunteered to take this service position
Motion to accept Shawna irw Gunter as co-secretary couple
Second: Barton
Motion Carried
2. Concern raised about alerting meeting attendees who may be dressed in a manner concerning to another attendee. David (irw Kapiko) reported that in previous business meetings it was decided that concerns/proposals not followed by attendance at the business meeting for two consecutive meetings by the individual(s) raising the concern/ making the proposal would be dropped from the agenda.
This item will not carry forward as unfinished business.
>> New business <<
No new business
Motion to adjourn
Motion: Barton (irw Rebecca)
Second: Agnes (irw Dave)
Meeting adjourned at 20:38 CET
Closing with Serenity Prayer