Minutes by Shawna & Günter
Keith & Cara
Agnes & Dave
Robin & Don
Gunter & Shawna
Rivky & Yanky
Meeting called to order
Serenity prayer
Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length to 30 minutes
Time keeper: Don
Review and approval of minutes of July 2022 business meeting
Motion to approve minutes: David
Second: Dave
Motion carried
Treasurer report
Keith & Cara shared treasurer’s report as follows:
Opening balance: $1,054,02
7th Tradition: $216.00
Fees -9.90
Closing balance: $1,260.12
Motion to approve the Treasury Report: Shawna
Dave second
Motion carried
Remarks: Shawna asks if we should send money to WSO?
It was not clear what our prudent reserve is. Shawna will research this and we can discuss next week. Shawna will also check if new Welcome Packets are needed for members outside USA.
(In the meantime: Prudent reserve is $400 as voted on in Minutes of 10.28.18. There are 9 Newcomer Packets left for members outside USA. Only one has been requested this year, are we informing newcomers? New agenda point for next month.)
Convention Report (Jared)
- The special ballot measure was approved. This will enable the Board of Trustees, should they in between conventions fall below the required minimum of four Board couples, to appoint enough qualified couples to the Board to make up the minimum required for the Board to function. The appointed couples would serve only until the next annual Board Election.
- There are now 8 Trustee couples serving WSO, 5 of which were voted in at the 2022 Convention in August.
- WSO is doing financially well. They encourage couples to join the many committees also one to determine how to use 7th tradition donations to carry the message.
Unfinished business
Tabled agenda item from July 2022: “Concern raised about alerting meeting attendees who may be dressed in a manner concerning to another attendee.”
The couple was not present last week again to present the proposal and they were again not here. This topic will be removed from the agenda.
New Business
Should we extend sharing time to more than 2 minutes?
A discussion was initiated in which it appeared most were content with 2 minutes. A suggestion was made to increase time per participants present.
This topic was tabled and will be voted on next week.
Motion to adjourn by Shawna at 9:00 pm CET
Second: Agnes
Motion carried
Serenity prayer