RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 03/29/20 – Sunday
Minutes by: Gretchen irw Jason
- Gretchen and Jason
- Beatrice and Theodor
- David and Kapiko
- Yemi and Stefan
- Liza
- Cate and Paul
- Jim and Kris
- Daniel
- Hank
- Quin and Lance
- Sydney and Kate
Serenity Prayer
February 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved
Motion to Approve – Quin
All in favor
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance = $396.89
Ending Balance = $571.03
7th Tradition = $186.00
Payments / Fees = ($11.86)
*NEW Prudent Reserve = $550
*Theodore will be making another contribution to WSO in the amount of the balance over prudent reserve.
Old Business
Increase in Prudent Reserve
- $179.88 – Zoom
- $169.88 – Webhosting
- $14.99 – domain
- Lance made a motion to increase prudent reserve to 1.5x costs = $550
- Cate 2nd motion
- All in favor
Co-Secretary Service Opportunity
- Paul and Cate have decided to step down as the Co Secretary Couple
- Gretchen made motion to announce co-secretary commitment at the beginning of weekly meetings
- Lance second motion
- All in favor
Possibility of Zoom Meeting of the International Convention
- Barton mentioned that he would like to have a Zoom meeting of the international convention
- David suggested that Barton contact the WSO and share his idea
New Business
- David and Kapiko volunteered
- Jim and Kris offered to help lead meetings and step up in October
- Motion to vote – Gretchen
- All in Favor
- David and Kapiko are our new Co-Secretary Couple
Sharing During Meetings
- Jim opened the discussion on ideas to help make it easier for people to share during the meeting.
- David suggested raising hand on “Participants”
- Gretchen suggested raising hand physically
- Cate suggested making shares shorter
- Beatrice suggested breakout rooms
- Quin suggested leader take names of those who would like to share and call on couples
- Lance shared concern for distraction
- Kate shared experience as a new couple to Trailblazers and suggested no change
- Jason suggested keeping it simple
- Motion to make no change at this time – Jason
- All in favor
Tabled for Next Business Meeting
- Cate suggested continuing discussion on making shares 2 minutes vs 3 minutes
- Gretchen– Motion to Adjourn
- All in favor