

Shawna & Gunther

Jared & Julia

Don & Robin

Keith & Cara




Meeting called to order at <time>

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: Don

Second: David

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Keith irw Cara presents the report:

Trailblazers Treasurers Report


October Month to date:

Oct. 30th  – Nov. 26th


Previous Balance: $319.39

Fees: $6.32

New Comer Packets: $9.48

Total Expenses: $6.32

7th Tradition:$70.00

Closing Balance: $373.59


Oct 30th a new comer packet was purchased for $9.48 and sent to :

Andy and Brenda


Motion to approve: Don

Second: Robin

Motion carries


Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items




Service Positions



Motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes: <name>

Second: <name>

Motion carries



>>Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

  1. N/A


>> New business

  1. Vote in Webmaster couple: Robin & Donna

Motion to approve: Shawna

Second: Robin

Motion carries


  1. How to deal with passwords for key positions.  Shawna: Our credit card is connected to the Trailblazers account (e.g. Paypal, etc.).  Passwords haven’t been changed when they were setup by other people.  We need other people to have access to accounts in order to support each other and the meeting.

Discussion.  Keith: A solution would be to change the password and share it with one other group doing service.  Not perfect solution, but better than having more than two couples having access to personal information.  When we log in to Paypal we see a person’s name, Ruth, as the account owner.  Not sure if we change the password what will happen.  Shawna: Ruth is the one who setup the Paypal account and website.  The website is registered under her name.  They have agreed to allow us to continue to keep it under her name and address.  They also get the emails, so they are always in the loop if a payment needs to be made, etc.  Keith: There is a secondary user section in Paypal.  We could use that to enter the names of the couple currently holding the position.  I can do some research to come up with a suggestion to bring to the next meeting.  Shawna: Before we make any change, I want to talk to Ruth.  Don: I’ve been working to establish Paypal with another group.  Security is an excellent consideration for the group even though we are small.  I suggest it be established with the service roles (i.e. secretary couple and webmaster couple).  David: If Keith needs to contact Ruth, it’s Ruth and Debbie on the contact list.  They are actually the ones who had the idea to create Trailblazers.  Having a Paypal account was also an issue with tax reporting.  Ruth agreed to handle that for the group.  Security is important.  I agree there should be multiple people who have access to the passwords (e.g. Secretaires, Treasurers, Webmasters).  Part of job descriptions.  Shawna: The website was paid by Ruth.  They needed to send us an invoice which needed to be paid by Paypal.  To make it easier, Gunther entered his credit card to the account.  Robin did as well.  It is hidden in the account.  Keith: I will make a note of this in the documentation [during my research].  Robin: We would take over using our credit card now that we are Webmaster, which would take care of the web hosting.  Keith: Password could change each time the position gets changed over.  Gunter: Are you sure you can change the password if the account is not yours?  Keith: The password change confirmation email is going to the Secretary and Treasurer.  If I get stuck I can contact Ruth.  Shawna: Ruth gets the admin email.  Lance and Quinn do too, who used to be the Webmaster.  And now Robin and Donna.  Lance and Quinn will be removed now, and I will remove Gunter and myself as well.  Keith: treasurer@, admin@ and are the emails on the Paypal account profile page.  

Motion to table the issue until next business meeting once we have more information: Don

Motion to contact Ruth to discuss what we are considering: Shawna

Second: David

Motion carries


>> Business tabled for next business meeting.



Motion to adjourn the meeting:  Shawna

Second: Julia

Motion carries


Meeting Adjourned at 23.16       


Serenity Prayer

Agnes & Dave  (Co-Secretary, chair)
Tom & Floortje (Co-Secretary, minutes)
Nikki & Stu
Dave & Noni (Treasurer Couple)
David & Kapiko
Yanky & Rivki
Keith S
Martha & Paul
Robin & Donna
Jared & Julia

Meeting called to order at 20:38 CET

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Minutes corrected -> 7th Tradition for December was $389
Motion to approve: David
Second: Stu
Motion carries

Treasurer report

January 30 to February 26 2022

Opening balance: $1189.22
Fees: $ 6.95
WSO contribution: $639.00
Total Debit: $645.95
7th Tradition: $ 76.00
Closing Balance: $619.27

In Loving Service
Dave and Noni

Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items


Service Positions
New Treasurer Couple voted in -> Keith & Cara
All in favor

The announcement that we look for a new Treasurer Couple can be removed

Motion to extend the meeting by 10 minutes: Dave
Motion carries

>> New business <<

Motion from Tom & Floortje
Set the length to max 20 and extend it with max 10 minutes
Amended: Set the default length to 30 min and extend it with max 10 minutes
4 in favor, 6 opposed.
Motion does not carry

>> Business tabled for next business meeting <<
Making sure newcomers can still get questions answered – start 10 minutes later.

Motion to adjourn the meeting: Dave
Motion carries

Meeting Adjourned at 21.07       

Serenity Prayer

Minutes by: Theodor & Beatrice



Bea & Theodor

David & Kapiko

Shawna & Gunther

Dave & Noni

Quin & Lance

Jared & Julia


Agnes & Dave

Don & Robin

Katy & Anatoly

Nikki & Stu

Tom & Floortje

Tim & Nicki


Meeting called to order at 20:32

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Review and approval of minutes from the last business meeting

Motion to approve: Don

Second: Quinn

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Dave & Noni presents the report, Sept 26/21-Oct 30/21:

Opening balance $ 708.70
Fee’s                          $ 10.82
Expense                  $179.50 (Zoom)
7th Tradition         $151.00

Closing Balance    $669,38

Motion to approve: Stu

Second: Tom

Motion carries


Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items



Rotation of Service Positions

  • Co-Secretary Couples (two positions)
    Nominations: Agnes & Dave, Tom & Floortje
    Motion to approve: Quin
    Second: Beatrice
    Motion carries


  • Welcome Couple
    Nominations: Jared & Julia
    Motion to approve: David
    Second: Nikki
    Motion carries


  • Contact List Couple
    Nominations: Stu & Nikki
    Motion to approve: Quin
    Second: Eleanne
    Motion carries


  • Treasury Couple
    No volunteers. Service position will be open again at the next business meeting.
  • Webmaster Couple
    Nominations: Shawna & Gunther
    Motion to approve: Stu
    Second: Katy
    Motion carries


Motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes: Nikki

Second: Robin

Motion carries


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)
Necessary changes in the script,
During the last business meeting necessary changes in the script were discussed and a process was set up. As nothing has been done the topic will be picked up again in the next business meeting.

Motion to let Stu contact Paul to hear if any progress had been made and to table the question until we hear from Paul: Robin

Second: David

Motion carries


New business
From David and Noni:
To add to the description of ” Secretary Couple” To have a deadline for the minutes to be written and posted to the RCA Trailblazers website blog within a reasonable time (ie; 2 weeks before next business meeting.) This will ensure members have an opportunity to read over and check for errors or omissions.

Amendment by David: With duties of the secretary couple aspire to have the minutes written and posted in a timely fashion in a reasonable time prior to the business meeting.

Second: Bea

Motion carries

Nikki abstains

Anatoly abstains


Business tabled for next business meeting.

To have a new position added as “Business meeting chairperson” Selection of person(s) that has the ability to conduct the business with a sense of neutrality, staying on point and knowledge of Steps, Traditions and Concepts. An understanding of Roberts Rules and making sure the minority voice is heard.


Motion to adjourn the meeting: Katy

Second: Tom

Motion carries

Meeting Adjourned at 21.15       


Serenity Prayer


Minutes by Anatoly & Katy




Theo & Bea

Barton & Rebecca

Anatoly & Katy

Dave & Noni


Robin & Don


Tim & Nicki

Nikki & Stu

Gunter & Shawna


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Time keeper: Gunter



Review and approval of minutes of February 2021 business meeting

Motion to approve minutes: Anatoly

Second: Katy

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Dave verbally shared treasurer’s report as follows:

Opening balance:                    $1,353.27

7th Tradition:                                  53.00

Fees                                                -3.91

Closing balance:                     $1,402.36

David: motion to approve

Barton second

Motion carries


Unfinished business


Regarding the question of how much money to send to the WSO, Theo reminded the meeting that the group previously had agreed to a prudent reserve and that the Treasurer Couple send excess money to WSO (above $550).  By group conscience, no further action need be taken on the previous motion.


How to deal with participants who have their cameras off

Nikki: motion to proceed with no change to the script at this time

Don: second

Motion carries


Whose phone number to include on orders for literature for newcomers?

There was discussion about whether the Treasurer Couple’s phone number or the Welcome Couple’s phone number should be listed on orders made to the RCA WSO for literature for newcomers.  It was agreed, for now, that the Welcome Couple’s phone number may be listed.


David motion: add 10 min to the meeting length

The motion was seconded

Motion carries


David motion: take an issue out of order – ballot measure for two motions brought to the WSO

Bea second

Motion carries


David motion: New business item to be taken out of order due to urgency.

The motion was seconded

Motion carries


David explained the WSO motions.

Two ballots sent via email.  How we should vote?

First – A motion proposed by RCA Fagersta, Sweden to amend Tradition 11 to allow for the tradition to apply to social and other media, as well as press, radio, TV and films.

Show of hands/group conscience – yes


Second – A motion to increase the maximum amount of reimbursement from $500 to $1000 for documented, allowable travel expenses by RCA WSO board members to attend the annual business meeting

Group conscience by show of hands – yes


As delegate couple to the 2021 RCA International Convention, David and Kapiko will vote on behalf of RCA Trailblazers to approve the two motions.


Table the following three topics:

  1. The phone number on WSO orders
  2. Modifying inconsistent script
  3. Open to polyamorous couples?


Motion to adjourn by Bea

Second Rebecca

Motion carries


Serenity prayer


Report to the RCA Trailblazers fellowship regarding
the 2021 RCA Annual Convention

(Presented by the RCA Trailblazers Delegate Couple, Kapiko and David)


Call for RCA members to take on service positions at the WSO level

Many enriching service opportunities are available to RCA members. The RCA World Service Office (WSO) is looking for members who are willing to serve on the WSO Board of Trustees and on the RCA committees.

Any member may serve on a WSO committee, and it is not necessary to serve as a couple. There is no requirement for committee membership other than a desire to be of service to your fellowship.

Committees include: Annual Convention Committee, Communications Committee, Concepts and Traditions Committee, Growing the Fellowship Committee, Literature Committee, Merchandise Services Committee, Outreach Committee, Recruitment Committee, Structure Committee, Technology and Website Committee, Ad Hoc Committee on Trademarks and Copyrights and Translation Committee.

You can learn more about committee service by going to this link: Then click on the committee that might interest you. For more information, you can write to

To serve on the WSO Board of Trustees, you must have been an RCA member for at least 3 years, have completed Step Five and be working actively with a sponsor couple or co-sponsor couple. The term of service is two consecutive RCA annual conventions, with the option to continue for one additional convention.

Don’t worry about your lack of experience. Those who have gone before you will be happy to share their expertise with you. For some perspectives from past and present Board members, please go to:


Annual Business Meeting

We attended the 2021 annual business meeting (ABM) of the Recovering Couples Anonymous WSO on Friday, July 30, 2021. We are reporting back to the RCA Trailblazers fellowship the highlights of the ABM.

The ABM was held entirely on Zoom and was led by the chair of the Board of Trustees of the WSO, Vicki R.

The Board’s Structure Committee certified a quorum, consisting of 12 delegates plus one proxy. A quorum is present when delegates and proxies representing at least 10% of the total number of RCA groups are present. There are 90 verified RCA groups.

The Board’s 2021 annual report includes detailed reports of the chair, vice-chair, treasurer and secretary, as well as detailed reports of the various committees of the Board. It also contains financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. You are invited to read the report, which can be accessed by going to the following webpage: and then clicking the “DOWNLOAD” button. The Board makes an effort to publish the annual report online by mid-July of each year.

A question was raised as to how the Board determines the number of active RCA groups. This task is assigned to the Outreach Committee, whose members are responsible for various regions of the United States, for Canada and for all countries outside of North America. The Outreach Committee members reach out to the contact couples for each of the groups that ever have been listed with the WSO to confirm whether they continue to meet as an active group. This is done shortly before the RCA International Convention.

Although RCA had operated at a deficit for many years, in recent years it has been operating in the black. The Treasurer reported contributions for FY 2021 of $22,849, an increase of $6,422 over 2020. Groups contributed 44% and individuals contributed 56%. The Treasurer reported cash in operating accounts of $96,565. Significant future expenses are anticipated for literature, starting live meetings and growing the fellowship, among others. Many committees did not operate during the pandemic, resulting in lower expenditures and increased cash for FY 2021. The Board anticipates that it will produce a budget by September or October and will take up the question of setting a prudent reserve.

The delegate from Walnut Creek suggested that RCA give 7th Tradition receipts to all groups and individuals who donate to the WSO to provide a record that amounts collected were, in fact, received by the WSO. The Board will consider this.

The next session of the ABM was devoted to debate on the two written ballot proposals which were submitted to the fellowship this year.

The first ballot proposal is to change RCA’s 11th Tradition as follows: “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, TV, and films, and other media.” There was no debate on this proposal.

The second ballot proposal is to increase the limit on expense reimbursements paid by RCA to members of the Board of Trustees for their travel expenses incurred in attending the ABM from $500 to $1,000. There were requests for clarification regarding the implementation of this proposal, which the Board will address.

Delegates will vote on these ballot proposals by electronic voting, which will close on August 8, 2021, i.e., one week after the close of the convention.

A question was raised as to how many votes are required for a ballot proposal to carry. This depends on the nature of the proposal. Proposals to amend the by-laws require a 75% majority. Proposals to amend the Standing Rules for Annual Meetings require a 2/3 majority. All other proposals require a simple majority.

Because the 12 Traditions are part of RCA’s by-laws, the first ballot proposal requires a 75% majority to pass. The second ballot proposal does not amend the by-laws or the Standing Rules for Annual Meetings, so only a simple majority is required for passage.

The Vice-Chair, Jonas, led the next session of the ABM. The chair of the Annual Convention Committee, Jim K., gave a report which updated and partly superseded his report in the Annual Report of the Board. Because of the continuing COVID pandemic, the Northern Virginia group is withdrawing from hosting a live annual convention in Reston, Virginia, in 2022. The 2022 annual convention will be virtual. The committee is working with the Calgary, Alberta group regarding the possibility of hosting the virtual convention, but nothing has been concluded. The Northern Virginia group is open to the possibility of hosting an in-person convention in 2023, but no decision has been made.

Mark R. pointed out that RCA has experience with hybrid (in-person/Zoom) meetings, as the ABM has been held in a hybrid format for 8 or 9 years. A hybrid annual convention is technologically feasible.

The Annual Convention Committee makes sure that a local group puts on a convention each year. The group recruits and appoints its own convention committee, which coordinates with the RCA WSO Annual Convention Committee but remains largely autonomous in planning, funding and operating the annual convention. The WSO maintains a dedicated fund of seed money which it can make available to groups hosting a convention to advance expenses such as hotel bookings which must be paid before members start registering and paying to attend the convention.

In 2020, in lieu of an annual convention. RCA hosted a virtual day of recovery. Attended by approximately 260 couples, this event had the highest attendance in the history of RCA.

The chair of the Communications Committee, Kate M., explained the mission of the committee. For more than a decade, RCA has employed the same independent contractor whose duty is to field and respond to questions submitted to the RCA website. Most questions are routine and answered by the contractor. On rare occasions, the contractor requires input from RCA, and the members of the Communication Committee provide that input. The primary task of the committee members is to read the e-mails submitted to RCA together with the responses. There are only a few phone/Zoom meetings, perhaps 2 per year. The incoming chair is John R. of New York.

The Merchandise Services Committee is responsible for all RCA-approved merchandise, including literature and time-in-program medallions (“chips”). The committee chair, Dan O., provided a highly detailed description of the business of the committee, which may be found in the Annual Report. After many years of service, the chair is retiring. He appealed for volunteers to serve on this committee. He has advocated that RCA engage the services of an independent contractor to handle most of the work now done by the committee.

The chair of the Structure Committee, David H., explained some of the committee’s functions, including serving as a rules committee. It had to create special rules to deal with the COVID pandemic and it put out a special ballot to adopt these rules. The chair also requested volunteers to serve on the committee.

In the fourth and final session of the ABM, the Structure Committee chair brought up an item of new business, relating to the manner of voting on ballot proposals brought before the fellowship. Since 2007 it was possible for delegates to vote by e-mail or by live attendance at the ABM. As a result, members who attended live could hear debate on ballot proposals, but those who voted by e-mail could not. In the past, proposals were made to eliminate e-mail voting or to provide only for mail-in ballots. All such proposals failed. Because of the pandemic, special rules were adopted which provide that all voting be electronic, and this has been implemented this year.

The chair then made a motion to refer this issue to the Board of Directors for resolution. The motion was seconded, and following discussion, it was approved with 12 delegates voting aye, 1 voting nay and 2 abstaining.

The delegate from the Yucaipa group raised the issues of inclusivity and diversity and the need to include an inclusion statement on the RCA webpage. The chair of the Board responded regarding the many statements of inclusion in existing literature but noted that the Literature Committee will be tasked with reviewing all literature for inclusion. The delegate was invited to participate as a committee member.

The ABM then was adjourned.


Annual Convention

The 2021 RCA Annual Convention was an extraordinary success. Hosted by RCA Tucson, this was the first virtual annual convention for our fellowship. Tremendous technical preparation was necessary to mount a convention entirely on Zoom, and the result was a flawless experience for all of the participants. The Tucson convention committee was supported by a large number of volunteers, including many Zoom hosts.

Many RCA Trailblazers members were in attendance, including those who led workshops and gentleness breaks.

Because of the virtual format, this convention was able to operate around the clock for almost 26 hours, enabling members in all time zones to participate in some or all of the convention activities, which included:

∘ Three speaker couples: Beth and Gary K., Tucson, Arizona; Chris E. and James C., Tucson; Linda P. and Brian R., Walnut Creek, California

∘ 23 workshops, including:

∘ Deepening Your Recovery through Sponsorship (Sherry and Steve, Walnut Creek, California)

∘ The Couples Dialogue (Annie and Russ, Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

∘ Resolving Issues with Healthy Agreements (Vicki and Dick M., Palm Desert, California)

∘ How to Create and Use Agreements to Build a Stronger Partnership (Michele W. and Julian R., Nevada City, California)

∘ Love in Recovery: What’s Love Got to Do with It? (Joanne and Gary G., Tucson, Arizona)

∘ Writing Your Own “Couple Map” (Linda and Jim K., Charlottesville, Virginia)

∘ Let’s Not Talk About It: Health Issues, Aging, and the Recovering Couple (Felicita and Richard, Davis, California)

∘ Fighting for Non-Fighters (Megan and Sara, Tucson, Arizona)

∘ The RCA Tools (Jade and Gladys, Eugene, Oregon)

∘ The Impact of “Family of Origin” on the Coupleship (Sonia and Danny, Alexandria, Virginia)

∘ Ballroom Splendor Begins with 1-2-3 Waltz (Chris A.C. and Cheyenne C., Santa Clara, California)

∘ Inviting the Spirit into Our Sexuality (Beatrice and Theodor, Sweden; and David and Kapiko, Burbank, California)

∘ 10th Stepping the Extended Safety Guidelines, Darlene and Brent, Ocean View, Hawaii)

∘ Building Trust Before You Step Forward Together (Fred and Eva, Yucaipa, California)

∘ You Want a Contract About What? (Robin and Jason, Tucson, Arizona)

∘ Breaking Through Denial (Christiane and Roberto, International)

∘ Step Three: The Spiritual “Switch” (Günter and Shawna, Überlingen, Germany)

∘ Falling in Love Again Through Healthy Sexuality (Sami and Paul, San Diego, California)

∘ How to Repair Your Broken Relationship: Dixie and David, Longwood, Florida)

∘ Triggers and Conflicts: A Blessing or a Curse? (Helen and Simon, London, United Kingdom)

∘ RCA Issues for LGBTQI People (Chris and James, Starr and Linda, Tucson, Arizona)

∘ Our Discovery with the Tools of RCA (Rebecca and Barton, Santa Barbara, California)

∘ Working the RCA Steps in One Year (Donna and Gary, Fairfax, Virginia)

∘ Three Twelve Step meetings, including:

∘ Twelve Step meeting (general) (Facilitators: Melanie and Ron, Dayton, Virginia)

∘ Twelve Step meeting (Rainbow Healing: A Safe Space for Queer and LGBTQ Couples) (Facilitators: Sydney and Kate, Sacramento, California)

∘ Twelve Step meeting (Steps 10, 11 and 12) (Facilitators: Vicki and Dick M., Palm Desert, California)

∘ Five gentleness breaks, with yoga and meditation, between workshop sessions



Prior to the ABM, the two ballot proposals were discussed at our RCA Trailblazers meeting. As your delegate couple, we were directed to vote in favor of both proposals. We submitted our electronic ballot in advance of the ABM.

Three couples volunteered at the annual convention to serve on the Board of Trustees of the RCA WSO. These nominee couples are –

Dan and Mila T., Walnut Creek, California
Joe and Catherine E., Minneapolis Friday Night RCA, Minnesota
David and Valerie M., Walnut Creek, California

As your delegate couple, we voted for all three of these couples, who will fill vacant positions on the Board of Trustees.

Minutes RCA Meeting


Meeting Date: June 27th 2021 – Sunday

Minutes by: Katy and Anatoly



Nikki and Stu

Shawna and Günter

Anatoly and Katy

David and Kapiko

Quin and Lance


Meeting called to order

Serenity Prayer


Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Request for approval of minutes from April 2021 business meeting which were not available during May 2021 business meeting.  There was a discussion regarding the line “Welcome couple’s phone number is provided on the form to order books from the WSO website”. Correct is, that the treasurer´s phone number should be listed, and this was decided by the group.

Motion by Quinn: to approve the minutes subject to confirming the statement above and correcting if necessary.

Second : Anatoly

Motion carries


Request for approval of minutes of Mai 2021 business meeting

Katy: motion to approve the minutes as read

Second: Anatoly

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Received from David and Noni via email:

May 30/21 – June 26/21

Opening Balance $1532.34

Expenses – $7.43 (PayPal)

– $287.64 (Webhosting)

7th Tradition Contributions $116.00

Closing Balance $1353.27

Katy: Motion to approve the numbers in the treasurer’s report, reserving the discussion about the distribution of funds.

Second: Anatoly

Motion by Nikki: when treasurer couple is here next business meeting, we decide on the distribution of funds after expenses and prudent preserve are taken into account

Second : David

Motion carried


Welcome couple report:

4 or 5 newcomers since the last business meeting, but none came back.

Welcome letters and newcomers’ packets are going out regularly.

Motion by David to approve the welcome couple report

Second: Katy

Motion carries


New business:


David: Need to pick a delegate today for our meeting’s representative at the RCA Convention starting Friday July 30th

It’s important for us to send a delegate that will vote so that the convention has enough people for the quorum.  Meeting starts in the morning, and is over by 3 pm, voting is not very contentious.  Nikki asked if they can split the attendance with another couple, David insisted that one couple should stay for the whole meeting to have continuity of discussion and voting.  No other couple step forward, David proposed that him and Kapiko will be our representatives again.

Katy: Motion: Approve David and Kapiko as delegats to the RCA convention, and that this can be decided today.

Second by: Anatoly


Motion by Katy: To approve 10 additional minutes for the meeting:

Second by: Nikki

Motion carries


Old business:


How to address situations when participants have their camera off

The group discusses different ideas and options to address this issue.

Motion by Stu:  Table it until next meeting

Second: Anatoly

Motion carries by majority vote.


Motion by David to adjourn.

Second: Stu

Motion carries.


Serenity prayer






Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes – 30/5/21

Minutes by:  Theodor irw Beatrice



Theodor & Bea

David and Kapiko

Don And Robin

Nikki and Stu


David & Noni

Shawna & Günter

David & Phil

Quinn and Lance

Dan and Maria


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer


Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Motion Nikki

Second David

Motion carries


Review and approval of minutes of the last business meeting
Minutes for last business meeting not available.


Treasurer’s report (prudent reserve =550$)

April 25-May 29, 2021

Opening Balance 1385.94

Contributions (7th tradition) 156

Fee´s -9.6

Closing Balance 1532.34

Motion to approve treasurers report: David

Second: Quinn

Motion carries


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

Webhosting renewal fee needs to be paid in June. We have the option to pay for 1, 2 or 3 years.

Motion to pay for 3 years: Quinn

Second: Dan

Motion carries


New business
Reconsider requirement to have video on during the meeting. One couple needs to leave almost weekly because of internet issues. Ty. Nikki ilcw stu

Move to table the discussion to the next meeting

Second Quinn

Motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes: Nikki

Second: Don

Motion carries


Motion to adjourn: Nikki

Second: Quinn

Motion carries


Serenity Prayer




Minutes by: Katy & Anatoly




Dave & Noni

Anatoly & Katy

Kirsten & Michael

Tim & Nicki

Stu & Nikki

Robin & Donna


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Time keeper: Tim



Review and approval of minutes of March 2021 business meeting

Motion to approve with corrections brought up: Dave

Second: Anatoly

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Dave and Noni present the report for Mar 28/21 – Apr. 24/21

Opening Balance – $1328.89

7th Tradition Contributions – $81

Expenses – Fees $6.19

Newcomer PKG. $17.76

Closing Balance- $1385.94

Motion: Report approved as it was presented

Motion to approve: Katy

Second: Robin

Motion carries


Newcomer report by Nikki and Stu

11 new couples since Feb 21st, some couples request 2 packets when they live apart.

Stu is preparing an electronic newcomer packet.

Treasurer couple is responsible for sending out the newcomer packet within the US.

Welcome couple´s phone number is provided on the form to order books from the WSO website.


New business (for business meeting in May):

Renewal of the hosting of the website: price for 3 years $287.64 due on  June 23rd

Dave and Noni will forward the offer to the group. 




Motion to adjourn: Anatoly

Second: David

Motion Carries



Serenity Prayer


Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes – 28/3/21

Minutes by: Katy & Anatoly



Quin & Lance

Nikki & Stu

Dave & Noni

Anatoly & Katy

Kirsten & Michael


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Time keeper: Stu



Review and approval of minutes of February 2021 business meeting

Name-typo and “p.e.” need to be corrected

Motion to approve with corrections brought up: Stu

Second: Dave and Noni

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Dave and Noni present the report for Feb.27/21-Mar 28/21

Opening Balance – $1204.53

7th Tradition Contributions – $146.00

Expenses – Fees $8.75

Newcomer PKG. $12.88

Closing Balance- $1328.89

Motion: Report approved as it was read

Motion to approve: Quin

Second: Katy

Motion carries


Newcomer report by Nikki and Stu

11 new couples since Feb 21st, some requests for 2 packets when couples live apart.

Stu is preparing electronic newcomer packet.

Treasurer couple is responsible for sending out to the US.

Welcome couple´s phone number is provided on the form to order books from WSO website.


Unfinished business

Nikki: What are we going to do when we have business meeting and newcomers at the same time? Someone suggested to make breakout rooms. Nikki is not in favor of it.

Motion by Stu: After the meeting we will have a up to 10 min meeting with newcomers and will then start with the business meeting. This announcement will be put in the format where the business meeting is mentioned.

Second: Nikki

Motion carries



Motion to adjourn: Anatoly

Second: Stu

Motion Carries


Serenity Prayer

Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes – 28/2/21


Minutes by: Katy & Anatoly



Quin & Lance

Nikki & Stu

Dave & Noni

Jared & Julia

Theodor & Beatrice

Anatoly & Katy


Barton & Rebecca


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Review and approval of minutes of January 2021 business meeting

Motion to approve: Stu

Second: Nikki

Motion carries


Treasurer report

January 31 2021 to February 27, 2021

Closing Balance: $1204.52

Contributions: $96.00

Fees: $7.45

Expense’s (newcomer package): $9.25

Opening Balance: $1125.22

Motion: Report approved as it was read

Motion to approve: Quin

Second: Katy

Motion carries

Nikki and Jared  abstaining


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

Quin & Lance: suggestion to have a monthly alternative daily reader writing, karaoke, game night; rotating at a specific time

Exchange of ideas about time and organization

Motion that we put it on announcements and set up a committee

Motion to approve: Quin

Second: Katy


Tabled business

Nikki: How to treat and deal with newcomers, e.g. breakout room



Motion to adjourn: David

Second: Stu

Motion Carries


Serenity Praye