Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes – 30/5/21

Minutes by:  Theodor irw Beatrice



Theodor & Bea

David and Kapiko

Don And Robin

Nikki and Stu


David & Noni

Shawna & Günter

David & Phil

Quinn and Lance

Dan and Maria


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer


Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Motion Nikki

Second David

Motion carries


Review and approval of minutes of the last business meeting
Minutes for last business meeting not available.


Treasurer’s report (prudent reserve =550$)

April 25-May 29, 2021

Opening Balance 1385.94

Contributions (7th tradition) 156

Fee´s -9.6

Closing Balance 1532.34

Motion to approve treasurers report: David

Second: Quinn

Motion carries


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

Webhosting renewal fee needs to be paid in June. We have the option to pay for 1, 2 or 3 years.

Motion to pay for 3 years: Quinn

Second: Dan

Motion carries


New business
Reconsider requirement to have video on during the meeting. One couple needs to leave almost weekly because of internet issues. Ty. Nikki ilcw stu

Move to table the discussion to the next meeting

Second Quinn

Motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes: Nikki

Second: Don

Motion carries


Motion to adjourn: Nikki

Second: Quinn

Motion carries


Serenity Prayer




Minutes by: Katy & Anatoly




Dave & Noni

Anatoly & Katy

Kirsten & Michael

Tim & Nicki

Stu & Nikki

Robin & Donna


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Time keeper: Tim



Review and approval of minutes of March 2021 business meeting

Motion to approve with corrections brought up: Dave

Second: Anatoly

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Dave and Noni present the report for Mar 28/21 – Apr. 24/21

Opening Balance – $1328.89

7th Tradition Contributions – $81

Expenses – Fees $6.19

Newcomer PKG. $17.76

Closing Balance- $1385.94

Motion: Report approved as it was presented

Motion to approve: Katy

Second: Robin

Motion carries


Newcomer report by Nikki and Stu

11 new couples since Feb 21st, some couples request 2 packets when they live apart.

Stu is preparing an electronic newcomer packet.

Treasurer couple is responsible for sending out the newcomer packet within the US.

Welcome couple´s phone number is provided on the form to order books from the WSO website.


New business (for business meeting in May):

Renewal of the hosting of the website: price for 3 years $287.64 due on  June 23rd

Dave and Noni will forward the offer to the group. 




Motion to adjourn: Anatoly

Second: David

Motion Carries



Serenity Prayer


Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes – 28/3/21

Minutes by: Katy & Anatoly



Quin & Lance

Nikki & Stu

Dave & Noni

Anatoly & Katy

Kirsten & Michael


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes

Time keeper: Stu



Review and approval of minutes of February 2021 business meeting

Name-typo and “p.e.” need to be corrected

Motion to approve with corrections brought up: Stu

Second: Dave and Noni

Motion carries


Treasurer report

Dave and Noni present the report for Feb.27/21-Mar 28/21

Opening Balance – $1204.53

7th Tradition Contributions – $146.00

Expenses – Fees $8.75

Newcomer PKG. $12.88

Closing Balance- $1328.89

Motion: Report approved as it was read

Motion to approve: Quin

Second: Katy

Motion carries


Newcomer report by Nikki and Stu

11 new couples since Feb 21st, some requests for 2 packets when couples live apart.

Stu is preparing electronic newcomer packet.

Treasurer couple is responsible for sending out to the US.

Welcome couple´s phone number is provided on the form to order books from WSO website.


Unfinished business

Nikki: What are we going to do when we have business meeting and newcomers at the same time? Someone suggested to make breakout rooms. Nikki is not in favor of it.

Motion by Stu: After the meeting we will have a up to 10 min meeting with newcomers and will then start with the business meeting. This announcement will be put in the format where the business meeting is mentioned.

Second: Nikki

Motion carries



Motion to adjourn: Anatoly

Second: Stu

Motion Carries


Serenity Prayer

Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes – 28/2/21


Minutes by: Katy & Anatoly



Quin & Lance

Nikki & Stu

Dave & Noni

Jared & Julia

Theodor & Beatrice

Anatoly & Katy


Barton & Rebecca


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Review and approval of minutes of January 2021 business meeting

Motion to approve: Stu

Second: Nikki

Motion carries


Treasurer report

January 31 2021 to February 27, 2021

Closing Balance: $1204.52

Contributions: $96.00

Fees: $7.45

Expense’s (newcomer package): $9.25

Opening Balance: $1125.22

Motion: Report approved as it was read

Motion to approve: Quin

Second: Katy

Motion carries

Nikki and Jared  abstaining


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

Quin & Lance: suggestion to have a monthly alternative daily reader writing, karaoke, game night; rotating at a specific time

Exchange of ideas about time and organization

Motion that we put it on announcements and set up a committee

Motion to approve: Quin

Second: Katy


Tabled business

Nikki: How to treat and deal with newcomers, e.g. breakout room



Motion to adjourn: David

Second: Stu

Motion Carries


Serenity Praye

Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes – 31/1/21

Minutes by: Theodor & Beatrice


Nikki & Stu

Theodor & Beatrice

Anatoly & Katy

David & Kapiko

Quin & Lance

Jared & Julia

Tim & Nicki


Meeting called to order

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Review and approval of minutes of December 2020 business meeting

Motion to approve: Anatoly

Second: Quin

Motion carries


Treasurer’s report

Januarys’ treasury report:

Closing Balance: $1077.72

Contributions: $264.00

Fees: $15.51

Expenses: $10.80 (newcomer package)

Opening Balance: $840.03

Motion to approve: Stu

Second: Quin

Motion carries


Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items

Nikki appointed timekeeper


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

Approval of December’s treasury report:

Opening balance (November 29th): 745.59

Donations: 118

Fees: 8.57

Expenses: 14.97 (domain renewal)

Closing balance (December 26th): 840.03

Motion to approve: Anatoly

Second: David

Motion carries


Motion: Adding service positions before names during the ZOOM meetings. (Nikki)

Second: Anatoly

Motion fails


New business

Motion: Make an electronic welcome packet.  (Nikki and Stu)

Second: Anatoly

Friendly amendment: To have both an electronic and physical welcome letter.

Motion with amendment carries


Tabled business:

Lance: Schedule another karaoke and RCA Daily reader submission night

Quin: Schedule a couples game night for fellowship



Motion to adjourn: David

Second: Stu

Motion Carries


Serenity Prayer

Meeting Date: December 27, 2020 – Sunday

Minutes by: Katy and Anatoly


Maria and Daniel

Nikki and Stu

Shawna and Günter

Theo and Beatrice

Anatoy and Katy

David and Kapiko


Meeting called to order by Co-Secretary Couple Anatoly & Katy at 11:34 am PDT (8:34 pm CET)

Serenity Prayer


Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes



Request for approval of minutes of November 2020 business meeting

Minutes of 29th November are read.

Nikki points out that her proposal to add service positions before people´s names and the fact that is was tabled as the meeting run out of time, is missing in the draft of the minutes.

A motion is made to amend the minutes to include table business from the last minutes, namely include service positions before participants´ names during meetings.

Motion: Nikki

Second: Stu



Treasurers report:

David and Noni: present report of November and December (numbers included)

Problems with Paypal account access is solved.

Question of Theo and Katy: presented numbers do not add up.

Shawna: shares it depends on which dates you do the treasury, it can get mixed up, but it doesn’t mean it is not true or correct.

Noni: recognizes that dates and number weren´t reconciled and will send amendment per email. (received on December 27th with a closing balance of $840.03).

Treasurer report voting postponed to next month´s meeting.

Motion: Kapiko

Second: Anatoly



Extend meeting 10 more minutes.

Motion: Stu

Second: Anatoly



General Service Board Representative report:

David informs: this position is not actively filled.

Take it from the list.

Motion: Anatoly

Shawna informs: this position is the representative towards RCA globally and going to conventions. Up to now is was filled spontaneously.

Theo comments: also other reports according to the script haven’t been done.

David informs: there is a newer business meeting script.


Old business:

Add the date when a couple join the contact list.

Motion: Tim

Second: Anatoly



New business:

Adding service positions before names during the ZOOM meetings.

Motion: Nikki

Shawna is opposed to this motion.


Table this motion.

Motion: David

Second: Anatoly



Motion to adjourn.

Motion: Theo

Second: Anatoly


Meeting adjourned at 12:014 pm PDT (9:14 pm CET)

Serenity Prayer




Meeting Date: 11/29/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  Beatrice & Theodor


   Beatrice and Theodor

   David and Kapiko

   Quinn & Lance

   Nikki and Stu

   Tim and Nicki

David & Noni



Shawna & Günter

Meeting called to order by Co-Secretary Couple Beatrice & Theodor at 12:31 pm PDT (8:31 p.m. CET)

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes


Review and approval of minutes of Oct 2020 business meeting
Motion to approve: David
Second: Nikki

 Minutes approved

Treasurer’s report
No Treasurer’s report available for this meeting due to vacant Treasurer position.

Appointment of spiritual timekeeper for 1-minute comments on business items
Kapiko is our timekeeper

Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

New business
Election of Officers

Co-Secretary Couple: Anatoly and Katy
Motion to approve: David
Second: Nikki
Motion approved

Treasurer: Dave and Noni
Motion to approve: Stu
Second: Barton
Motion approved

The groups discussed the contact list and how we keep it updated. 


Motion: Tim
Ask if people want to be removed from the list next time we send out the list.
Second: Quin
Motion approved


Motion: Shawna
Add a column for the date when people join the list.
Second by Nikki
Motion approved

Business tabled for next meeting
Motion: Barton

To add the date when a couple join the contact list.

Motion to adjourn: Barton
Second: Quin

  Meeting adjourned at 13.00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. CET).

Serenity Prayer

Meeting Date: 10/25/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  David and Kapiko


   Beatrice and Theodor

   David and Kapiko


   Nikki and Stu

   Tim and Nicki

Meeting called to order by Co-Secretary Couple David and Kapiko at 12:31 pm PDT (8:31 p.m. CET)

Serenity Prayer

Request for Unanimous Consent to Set Meeting Length at 30 Minutes


September 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved

Motion to approve – Stu

Second – Beatrice

Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report

            Beatrice presented the Treasurer Couple’s report:

                Beginning balance (September 27, 2020) = $894.02


                    7th Tradition = $168.00


                    Payment fees = ($11.45)

                    Welcome packets (to newcomers) = ($33.02)

                    Web hosting = ($149.90)

                    WSO donation (7th Tradition) = ($317.65)

                Ending balance (October 24, 2020) = $550.00

            Motion to approve – Kapiko

            Second – Lance

            Report approved.

Unfinished Business (Tabled from Last Business Meeting)


New Business

      Election of Officers

            The following couples volunteered to fill the following RCA Trailblazers service positions:

                        Welcome Couple:       Stu and Nikki

                        Webmaster Couple:    Lance and Quin

                        Contact List Couple:  Tim and Nicki

                        Co-Secretary Couple:  Theodor and Beatrice

            By group conscience, it was agreed that the persons who volunteered for the service positions would be approved to serve in those positions. This was followed by a formal motion to elect them for the term ending October 31, 2021:

            Motion to elect the officers – Lance

            Second – Beatrice

            Motion passed.

            The following service positions remained unfilled at the conclusion of the business meeting:

                        Second Co-Secretary Couple and Treasurer Couple

            Prior to the business meeting, Dave and Noni stated that they could not attend; however, they stated that they are willing to accept a service position but had not yet decided on which position. They offered to check in with the Co-Secretary Couple at a time after the business meeting. David and Kapiko will contact Dave and Noni by e-mail and will relate that the positions of Co-Secretary Couple and Treasurer Couple remain open.

            By group conscience, it was agreed that the election of officers to the remaining service positions will occur in the future.


            Motion to adjourn – Theodor

            Second – Stu

            Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m. PDT (8:50 p.m. CET).

Serenity Prayer


Meeting Date: 09/27/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  David and Kapiko


   Barton and Rebecca

   Beatrice and Theodor

   Ced and Aravin


   David and Kapiko

   Ken and Anabel


   Nikki and Stu

   Tim and Nicki

Meeting called to order by Co-Secretary Couple Theodor and Beatrice at 11:34 a.m. PDT (8:34 p.m. CET)

Serenity Prayer

Request for Unanimous Consent to Set Meeting Length at 30 Minutes


August 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved

           Motion to approve – David

           Second – Stu

           Minutes approved

Treasurer’s Report

            Beatrice presented the Treasurer Couple’s report:

                Beginning balance (August 30, 2020) = $809.63


                    7th Tradition = $113.00


                    Payment fees = ($6.70)

                    Welcome packets (to newcomers) = ($21.91)

                Ending balance (September 26, 2020) = $894.02

            Beatrice announced that a transfer will be made to the WSO at the end of August.

            Motion to approve – Nikki

            Second – Kapiko

            Report approved

Unfinished Business (Tabled from Last Business Meeting)


New Business

  • Vote on Proposed Change to RCA WSO Bylaws and Standing Rules for the Annual Meetings

           David related the proposal by the RCA WSO to amend its Bylaws (new paragraph 3.6.2) and Standing Rules for the Annual Meetings (new section 19.0), which, in times of public health emergency or other extraordinary circumstances, would permit the Board to hold a virtual annual convention, including the annual business meeting and the annual Board of Trustees election meeting. Reasons why the WSO Board is recommending passage of the proposal include the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the possibility that it might require cancellation of the planned 2021 annual convention in Tucson; the need to elect board members to replace those whose terms are expiring; the need to have sufficient board members to maintain the quorum necessary to conduct business; and the need to conduct business at the annual business meeting.

            Stu moved to vote to approve the adoption of the changes to the RCA Bylaws and the Standing Rules for the Annual Meetings. Ken seconded the motion. The motion passed.

            Following the meeting, David and Kapiko electronically submitted to the RCA WSO the ballot in favor of the two proposals.

  • Invitation to Volunteer for RCA Trailblazers Service Positions

            David reiterated the announcement made by Theodor and Beatrice during the recovery meeting that the terms of the current RCA Trailblazers service positions will expire on October 31, 2020. David invited members to consider volunteering for a service position at the election which will take place at the next business meeting, on October 25, 2020.


            Motion to adjourn – Barton

            Second – David

            Meeting adjourned

Serenity Prayer

Meeting Date: 08/30/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  David and Kapiko


   Anna and Alex

   Barton and Rebecca



   Ken and Anabel

   Nikki and Stu

   Nury and Floris

   Quin and Lance

   Shawna and Günter


Meeting called to order by Co-Secretary Couple Kapiko and David at 11:30 am PST (8:30 p.m. CET)

Serenity Prayer

Request for Unanimous Consent to Set Meeting Length at 30 Minutes


July 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved

Motion to approve – Quin

Second – Stu

Minutes approved

Treasurer’s Report

            Bea presented the Treasurer Couple’s report:

                Beginning balance (July 26, 2020) = $719.91


                    7th Tradition = $233.00


                    Payment fees = ($12.73)

                    Welcome packets (to newcomers) = ($10.80)

                    Welcome packets (Europe, bulk order to Shawna and Günter = ($119.75)

                Ending balance (August 29, 2020) = $809.63

            Bea announced that a transfer will be made to the WSO at the end of August.

            Motion to approve – Quin

            Second – Shawna


Unfinished Business  (Tabled from Last Business Meeting)

  • Determination of Date for Daily Reader Jam Session

          Quin suggested that we select a date and time for the Daily Reader Jam Session (which had been approved at the previous meeting).  Quin related the results of a poll of the officers for available dates.  A group conscience discussion followed.

          Motion to set the event for Saturday, November 14, 2020 – Kapiko

          Second – Bea


          Following further discussion, it was agreed by group conscience:  The event will take place at 10 a.m. PST (7 p.m. CET) and will last for up to two hours.

  • Addition of Materials to Recovery Readings on RCA Trailblazers Website

          Motion to add to the RCA Trailblazers website, under Recovery Readings, the article from the Fall 2015 RCA WSO online publication, “Hand in Hand,” entitled “Does Your RCA Group Ever Talk About Sex,” which includes a “Healthy Sexuality Inventory” – Shawna

          Second – Quin

          Following discussion and group conscience, the motion passed.

New Business

  • Confirmation of Appointment of Stu and Nikki as Trailblazers Welcome Couple

          It was moved and seconded to confirm the appointment of Stu and Nikki as the Trailblazers Welcome Couple for the balance of the term expiring October 31, 2020.


  • Moving Text in Leader Script, Before “Safety Guidelines”

          It was moved and seconded to move the text in the meeting leader script, “Would [secretary selects a member] read:  Page 55 in the 4th Edition,” into the  shaded area containing the Safety Guidelines.


Administrative Matters

          By group conscience, the meeting was extended for an additional 10 minutes.

Additional Old Business

  • Motion to Schedule a Fellowship Zoom Karaoke Day

          Quin described her motion to have a karaoke event on Zoom.  Following discussion and group conscience, it was moved and seconded to schedule the karaoke event for October 11, 2020, immediately following the Sunday Trailblazers meeting.  By group conscience it was further agreed:  Quin and Lance will organize.  Couples may sing together as a couple or separately, at their choice.  The event will last up to two hours.  Quin and Lance will take requests, either in advance by e-mail, or during the event, by Zoom chat.  The event will be posted in Trailblazers announcements, and Quin and Lance will send the announcement to everyone on the contact list.

  • Editing of Meeting Leader Script

          It was agreed that the Co-Secretary Couple will edit the meeting leader script and submit nonsubstantive changes to the Web Couple in order to change the script on the Trailblazers website.


          A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed.  The meeting concluded at 12:10 p.m. PST (9:10 p.m. CET).

Serenity Prayer