Meeting Date: 07/26/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  Theodor irw Beatrice


David and Kapiko

Esma and Hans

Annette and Roger

Shawna and Günter

Lisca and William

Silvia and Joe


Stu and Nikki

Barton and Rebecca

Tim and Nicki

Theodor and Beatrice

Meeting called to order by Co-Secretary Couple David and Kapiko at 11:30 am PST

Serenity prayer

Request for unanimous consent to set meeting length at 30 minutes


June 2020 Minutes

Reviewed, approved and posted prior to business meeting – Co-Secretary Couples


Treasurer’s report

Theodor and Beatrice presented the Treasury report.

Beginning Balance (June 28, 2020) = $469.65


7th Tradition = $265.00


Payment fees = ($14.74)

Ending balance (July 25, 2020) = $719.91


Unfinished business (tabled from last business meeting)

Motion by Kapiko to dismiss motions that are made and tabled for discussion, when the couple who originally makes the motion does not attend the next Business Meeting to present their motion.

Günter offered a friendly amendment to table such a motion for one more meeting, and if the person made the motion does not show up for the meeting the motion will be dismissed. Kapiko accepted the amendment.

Second: Barton



New business

Motion to approve appointment of Theo and Bea as co-secretary couple to complete the unfinished term, ending October 31st, of Gretchen and Jason – David

Second: Nikki



Motion to allow the co-secretary couple to give the Zoom host key to another couple when neither co-secretary couple is available to host the Trailblazers meeting and another couple volunteers to host. – Shawna and Günter

Second: Hans



Motion to add the announcements page found in the script to the navigation tabs at the top of our website. – Quinn

Second: Roger



Motion to schedule a Daily Reader Jam session. (We can use the items on the RCA trailblazers website – steps, traditions, promises, etc as inspiration.) – Quinn

Second: Rebecca



Request by Shawna for permission to add an item to the agenda and take it out of order.  Granted.


Motion to authorize the purchase of 20 new welcome packets form WSO to Shawna and Günter to send to the people who do not live in America. – Shawna and Günter

Second: Stu



Motion to table remaining unfinished business to next business meeting – Roger

Second: Stu



Tabled business for Next Business Meeting

  1. Motion to schedule a fellowship zoom Karaoke day! (We can use zoom and watch2gether to sync up the sound.) – Quinn (Rationale: This would give couples a chance to get together and have some fun during these times of being socially distanced.)
  2. Motion to add to the RCA Trailblazers website, under Recovery Readings, the article from the Fall 2015 RCA WSO online publication, “Hand in Hand,” entitled “Does Your RCA Group Ever Talk About Sex,” which includes a “Healthy Sexuality Inventory.” (Document will be screen-shared at business meeting)



Motion to adjourn Barton:

Second: Kapiko



Serenity Prayer




Meeting Date: 06/28/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  Gretchen irw Jason


   Gretchen and Jason


   Barton and Rebecca

   Ken and Anabel

   Hans and Esma

   Nikki and Stu

   Hank and Evelyn

   Ken and Anabel

Meeting called to order by Co-Secretary Couple Gretchen and Jason at 11:30 am PST

Serenity Prayer

Motion to Determine Duration of Meeting

  • Motion to set meeting length at 30 minutes – Gretchen
  • Second – Hans and Esma
  • Passed

May 2020 Minutes

  • Inadvertently skipped
  • Reviewed, approved and posted prior to business meeting – Co-Secretary Couples

Treasurer’s Report

  • Kapiko offered to ask the Treasurer Couple for the report and to post to the Business Meeting Minutes. After the conclusion of the business meeting, the Treasurer Couple presented the following report:

          Beginning balance (May 31, 2020) = $550.00


                    7th Tradition = $106.00


                    Payment fees = ($7.67)

                    Welcome packets = ($10.80)

                     Webhosting = ($167.88)

          Ending balance (June 27, 2020) = $469.65

New Business

  • Motion to announce Co-Secretary Service position opening at the beginning of each weekly meeting in July and vote in a new Co-Secretary Couple during the July business meeting. – Gretchen
  • Jason and Gretchen need to give up the Co-Secretary position, because Jason will be working on Sundays, starting July 10th.
  • Second – Rebecca
  • Passed

Unfinished Business  (Tabled from Last Business Meeting)

Removing Attendees Without Video from the Meeting

  • Barton asked that we discuss removing participants from the meeting, when they do not turn on their video, after a friendly reminder.  He also suggested that be added to the script.
  • Hans has read a lot on Zoom safety and supports removing attendees who do not turn their video on
  • Barton had experience with other meetings that allow their Co-Secretaries to remove or mute other attendees and others that do not, where it creates a distracting environment.
  • Motion to allow Co-Secretaries to remove attendees who do not have their video on – Barton and Rebecca
  • Amendment to give guidance to Co-Secretaries to ask the attendee to turn their video on 2 times via the chat. If the attendees still do not turn their video on, the Co-Secretary will give one verbal reminder to the group, before removing the attendee from the meeting.
  • Anabel shared her experience from a meeting that was “Zoom bombed”, where an attendee shared pornographic material and used a racial slur. The Secretary was able to protect the meeting by removing that individual. It was helpful to remind the group that the purpose of removing individuals is in the interest of the group’s privacy.
  • Gretchen asked the group to continue to trust the Co-Secretaries to follow these suggestions and make decisions that they feel would be in the best interest of the group to the best of their ability.
  • Kapiko reiterated the importance of considering those members of our group who are willing to take on service commitments as Trusted Servants.

Cutting the Introductions at the Beginning of the Meeting

  • Ruth suggested cutting out introductions at the beginning of the meeting to allow about 10 more minutes of sharing
  • No further discussion.
  • Topic dismissed

Script Edit Suggestion

  • Paul suggested adding verbiage to the script to suggest that couples who have shared recently allow others the opportunity to share, i.e., “If your coupleship has shared recently, please allow other couples the opportunity to share.”
  • No further discussion
  • Topic dismissed


Tabled for Next Business Meeting

  • Motion to dismiss motions that are made and tabled for discussion, when the couple who originally makes the motion does not attend the next Business Meeting to present their motion. – Kapiko
  • Evelyn shared similar experience from other 12 step business meetings and supports the idea to dismiss.
  • Stu suggested the item continued to be tabled, until the couple who made the motion attends a Business Meeting.
  • Motion to table for discussion at next business meeting. – Gretchen
  • Second – Kapiko
  • Passed



    Motion to Adjourn – Gretchen

    Second – Kapiko


Serenity Prayer

RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 05/31/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  David irw Kapiko


    Gretchen and Jason

    David and Kapiko

    Quin and Lance

    Hans and Esma

    Cate and Paul

    Hank and Evelyn

    Ken and Anabel


Meeting called to order by Co-Secretary Couple Gretchen and Jason at 11:32 p.m.

Serenity Prayer

Motion to Determine Duration of Meeting

               Motion to set meeting length at 30 minutes – Gretchen

               Passed by unanimous consent

April 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved

               Motion to Approve – Gretchen

               Second – Cate


Treasurer’s Report

David and Kapiko presented the report prepared by the Treasurer Couple, Theo and Bea, who were unable to attend.

               Beginning Balance (April 26, 2020) = $724.18


                              7th Tradition = $245.00


                              Payment fees = ($15.90)

                              Welcome packets = ($21.60)

                              Donation to RCA WSO = ($381.68)

               Ending balance (May 30, 2020) = $550.00

Motion to approve – Cate

Second – David


Unfinished Business  (Tabled from Last Business Meeting)

Renewal of web hosting contract

RCA Trailblazers received a renewal reminder for its web hosting bill, which is due on June 23, 2020.  Ruth previously suggested changing to the “Spark” plan from the existing “Nitro” plan to save money, resubscribe for 3 years, which would lock-in price, and calling the web-hosting office to see if we could renegotiate a further discount. 

David presented an analysis of the differences between the Spark and Nitro plans, including differences in pricing for one-year, two-year and three-year plans, based on information obtained from the provider’s website.  David pointed out the differences between the Spark and Nitro plans and related that Ruth had stated that the Spark plan would meet all of Trailblazers’ needs for less money.  David moved to 1) renew the contract with the existing provider, 2) switch to the Spark plan, 3) opt for the three-year contract and 4) request billing by the web hosting provider for payment via PayPal.  There was no second.

Quin and Lance noted that they are the webmaster couple.  They related the actual pricing for existing customers, which is different from the amounts shown in the analysis.  Pricing was discussed for one-year and three-year plans, comparing the Spark and Nitro plans. The question was raised as to whether changing from Nitro to Spark would require rebuilding the website, but it was explained that a change of plan would not require rebuilding, whereas a change of account would require rebuilding. 

Cate inquired whether we might defer further consideration to the next business meeting.  It was pointed out that the existing contract expires on June 23, 2020, and that action was needed at this meeting.  Cate suggested deferring to the service couples to decide.

David withdrew his motion.

Jason moved to renew the contract with the existing provider for one additional year with the existing Nitro plan at the invoiced price.  Kapiko seconded. There was discussion as to whether there were adequate funds on hand to pay for any of the plans and terms, allowing for other foreseeable expenses, and it was determined that there were. It was determined that the benefits of renewing for three years vs. one year are a saving of approximately $10 per month and locking in the existing price for three years.  The motion passed.

Motion to table remaining unfinished business

Gretchen moved to table the following agenda items, which previously had been tabled from the April business meeting:

  • Barton asked that we discuss removing participants from the meeting, when they do not turn on their video, after a friendly reminder.  He also suggested that be added to the script
  • Ruth suggested cutting out introductions at the beginning of the meeting to allow about 10 more minutes of sharing
  • Paul suggested adding verbiage to the script to suggest that couples who have shared recently allow others the opportunity to share, i.e., “If your coupleship has shared recently, please allow other couples the opportunity to share.”

Hans and Esma seconded.  The motion passed.

New Business



    Motion to Adjourn – Gretchen

    Second – Quin


Serenity Prayer

RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 04/26/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  Gretchen irw Jason


  • Gretchen and Jason
  • Beatrice and Theodor
  • David and Kapiko
  • Hans
  • Cate and Paul
  • Lance
  • Dian
  • Barbie
  • Ken and Anabel
  • Allison and Mary Ellen
  • Barton and Rebecca
  • Shawna and Gunter


Serenity Prayer


March 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved 

Motion to Approve – Gretchen

2nd – Cate

All in favor


Emergency Business 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved 

Motion to Approve – Jason

2nd – Cate

All in favor


Treasurer’s Report

Beginning Balance = $571.03

Ending Balance = $724.18

7th Tradition = $164.00

Payments / Fees = ($10.85)

*NEW Prudent Reserve = $550


Unfinished Business  (Tabled from Last Business Meeting)

Decrease Number of Minutes for Share

  • Cate suggested continuing discussion on making shares 2 minutes vs 3 minutes
  • Barbie suggested breakout rooms
  • Allison suggested queue
  • Barton and Rebecca suggested people raise hand in the chat window and Secretary Couple call on couples
  • Kapiko suggested that people who have shared recently allow others to share
  • Jason suggested that people with experience might have an easier time getting in the chat queue and agreed that shorter shares would reduce the pressure and allow more people to share
  • Shawna shared the experience that creating a list might reduce the spontaneity of sharing and the ability to share when inspired
  • Hans suggested the breakout groups, again, but acknowledged that it might be complicated
  • Gretchen suggested that implementing any of the technical solutions might remove the opportunity for those who are less assertive to practice participation, that Cate’s original suggestion of shortening the shares may resolve their challenges and that we should vote on Cate’s original suggestion.
  • Motion to shorten shares – Mary Ellen
  • Friendly amendment to shorten newcomer shares to 1 minute– Cate
  • Jason suggested we keep the time consistent
  • Kapiko agreed with consistency
  • All in favor to reduce all share times to 2 minutes – Approved

* Gretchen will note the change in the online script. 

* Please note, this change has not been made to the printable script.

New Business

Tabled for Next Business Meeting

  • RCA Trailblazers received a renewal reminder for our web hosting bill, which is due on June 20.  Ruth suggested changing to the “spark” plan to save money, resubscribe for 3 years, which would lock-in price and call the web-hosting office to see if we could renegotiate a further discount.  *This item was added after the Business Meeting, by the Co-Secretaries.
  • Barton asked that we discuss removing participants from the meeting, when they do not turn on their video, after a friendly reminder.  He also suggested that be added to the script.
  • Ruth suggested cutting out introductions at the beginning of the meeting to allow about 10 more minutes of sharing
  • Paul suggested adding verbiage to the script to suggest that couples who have shared recently allow others the opportunity to share.

ie:  “If your coupleship has shared recently, please allow other couples the opportunity to share.”



  • Motion to Adjourn – Cate
  • 2nd -Jason
  • All in favor


Serenity Prayer


RCA Trailblazers Emergency Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 04/05/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  Gretchen irw Jason


  • Gretchen and Jason
  • Beatrice and Theodor
  • David and Kapiko
  • Cate and Paul
  • Mike and Chantelle
  • Daniel
  • Quin and Lance

Emergency Business

Increased Zoom Security

  • Lance and Quin raised the need to take a group conscience regarding how the group should handle the new Zoom requirement for a password or link to access the meeting
  • Gretchen shared reasons Co-Secretary couples decided to post the Secretary email and send invites to those who request it:  anonymity, deferring to Zoom for expertise in internet security, need to simplify Co-Secretary responsibilities
  • David shared the security settings that have been applied to our current Zoom account:  only host can share screen, host can remove attendees, (no recording capability)
  • Cate shared the option of waiting room
  • Daniel confirmed that email worked well for newcomers
  • Theodore confirmed hosts ability to remove members and not allow them to return
  • Co Secretary couples committed to keep an eye on the Secretary email for access requests, prior to the meeting start, and to manage any disruptions during the meeting
  • Gretchen – motion to keep Secretary email on website.
  • Mike – 2nd motion
  • All in favor
  • Lance reminded group to notify WSO
  • Gretchen agreed to email decision to WSO


RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 03/29/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  Gretchen irw Jason


  • Gretchen and Jason
  • Beatrice and Theodor
  • David and Kapiko
  • Yemi and Stefan
  • Liza
  • Cate and Paul
  • Jim and Kris
  • Daniel
  • Hank
  • Quin and Lance
  • Sydney and Kate

Serenity Prayer

February 2020 Minutes Reviewed and Approved 

Motion to Approve – Quin

All in favor

Treasurer’s Report

Beginning Balance = $396.89

Ending Balance = $571.03

7th Tradition = $186.00

Payments / Fees = ($11.86)

*NEW Prudent Reserve = $550

*Theodore will be making another contribution to WSO in the amount of the balance over prudent reserve.

Old Business

Increase in Prudent Reserve

  • $179.88 – Zoom
  • $169.88 – Webhosting
  • $14.99 – domain
  • Lance made a motion to increase prudent reserve to 1.5x costs = $550
  • Cate 2nd motion
  • All in favor

Co-Secretary Service Opportunity

  • Paul and Cate have decided to step down as the Co Secretary Couple
  • Gretchen made motion to announce co-secretary commitment at the beginning of weekly meetings
  • Lance second motion
  • All in favor

Possibility of Zoom Meeting of the International Convention

  • Barton mentioned that he would like to have a Zoom meeting of the international convention
  • David suggested that Barton contact the WSO and share his idea

New Business


  • David and Kapiko volunteered
  • Jim and Kris offered to help lead meetings and step up in October
  • Motion to vote – Gretchen
  • All in Favor
  • David and Kapiko are our new Co-Secretary Couple

Sharing During Meetings

  • Jim opened the discussion on ideas to help make it easier for people to share during the meeting.
  • David suggested raising hand on “Participants”
  • Gretchen suggested raising hand physically
  • Cate suggested making shares shorter
  • Beatrice suggested breakout rooms
  • Quin suggested leader take names of those who would like to share and call on couples
  • Lance shared concern for distraction
  • Kate shared experience as a new couple to Trailblazers and suggested no change
  • Jason suggested keeping it simple
  • Motion to make no change at this time – Jason
  • All in favor

Tabled for Next Business Meeting

  • Cate suggested continuing discussion on making shares 2 minutes vs 3 minutes


  • Gretchen– Motion to Adjourn
  • All in favor

RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 02/23/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  Gretchen irw Jason


  • Gretchen and Jason
  • Cate and Paul
  • Beatrice and Theodor
  • Sally and Spence
  • Barton and Rebecca
  • Lance
  • Tim and Nicki
  • David and Kapiko
  • Anne and Ellen

Serenity Prayer

January 2019 Minutes Reviewed and Approved 

Treasurer’s Report

Beginning Balance = $828.08

Ending Balance = $396.89

7th Tradition = $131

Payments / Fees = ($8.32)

Welcome Packet = ($10.80)

Web Payment = ($14.99)

*NEW Prudent Reserve = $550

Old Business  

Topic of Having Children Present During Meeting Revisited

  • Reminder that we voted on this last year at the business meeting and the group conscience is to allow parents to make decisions regarding whether their children are present.
  • No new motion regarding this topic.

New Business

Increase in Prudent Reserve

  • $179.88 = Zoom
  • $169.88 = Web hosting
  • $14.99 = domain
  • Lance made a motion to increase prudent reserve to 1.5x costs = $550
  • Cate 2nd motion
  • All in favor

Co-Secretary Service Opportunity

  • Paul and Cate Have Decided to Step Down as the Co Secretary Couple
  • Gretchen made motion to announce co-secretary commitment at the beginning of weekly meetings
  • Lance second motion
  • All in favor

Possibility of Zoom Meeting of the International Convention

  • Barton mentioned that he would like to have a Zoom meeting of the international convention
  • David suggested that Barton contact the WSO and share his idea


  •  Gretchen– Motion to Adjourn
  • David– 2nd the motion
  • All in favor

RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 01/26/20 – Sunday

Minutes by:  Gretchen irw Jason


  • Gretchen and Jason
  • Cate and Paul
  • Beatrice and Theodor
  • Shawna and Gunter
  • Jim and Kris
  • Sally and Spence
  • Barton and Rebecca
  • Lance and Quin
  • Tim and Nicki

Serenity Prayer


December 2019 Minutes Reviewed and Approved 


Treasurer’s Report

Beginning Balance = $765.40

Ending Balance = $828.08

7th Tradition = $68.00

Payments / Fees = ($5.32)

Prudent reserve is $300, so treasurer  will send $528.08 to the World Service Organization.

Old Business  

Increase Cost of Trailblazers Web Page

  • Group approved the increase in web cost by $1 per month, from $12.99 to $13.99.
  • Lance is looking further into simplifying web page and will share information at a later business meeting.


How Newcomers are Identified and the Last 15 Minutes of Meeting

  • Add to script, “Are there any newcomers who haven’t shared, but would like to share?”
  • Gretchen will add to script


New Business

Topic of Having Children Present During Meeting Revisited

  • Reminder that we voted on this last year at the business meeting and the group conscience is to allow parents to make decisions regarding whether their children are present.
  • No new motion regarding this topic.



  • Gretchen – Motion to Adjourn
  • Paul and Cate– 2nd the motion
  • All in favor

RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 12/29/2019 – Sunday

Minutes by:  Gretchen irw Jason


  • Ruth and Lou
  • Lance and Quin
  • David and Kapiko
  • Paul and Cate
  • Gretchen and Jason
  • Shawna

Serenity Prayer


November 2019 Minutes Reviewed and Approved 


Treasurer’s Report

Beginning Balance = $589.25

Ending Balance = $765.40

7th Tradition = $199.00

Payments / Fees = ($12.10)

Purchase Welcome Packet = ($10.75)

Old Business  

Sharing Guidelines:

  • Group – Agreed that any group member should message the Secretary couple if he or she would like the Secretary to offer a gentle reminder to another group member for any reason. The Secretary couple will use a private message to send the reminder.  
  • Group – The Secretary couple should also message couples who are not sharing their video and remind them to keep their video on.
  • Cate-Confirmed that message was sent to member couple as a gentle reminder of what appears on the screen.

Welcome Packets for Members Outside of U.S.:

  • Shawna – Confirmed that she and Gunter are in possession of the welcome packets for newcomers outside the U.S.
  • David – Welcome couple will notify Shawna and Gunter when a newcomer packet is needed to be sent outside of U.S.

New Business

Increase Cost of Trailblazers Web Page

  • Lance – Web cost will increase by $1 per month. Lance will confirm date that will start and share with group.  Group will need to vote to approve.
  • $12.99 to $13.99 in June (when we renew)
  • Quin – Motion to approve
  • Cate – 2nd  Quin’s motion
  • Group – Approved
  • Lance – Looking further into simplifying web page and will share information at a later business meeting.


How Newcomers are Identified and the Last 15 Minutes of Meeting

  • Gretchen – Identify themselves at the beginning of the meeting as opposed to defining newcomer as a group?
  • Quin – Add to script, “Are there any newcomers who haven’t shared, but would like to share?”
  • Kapiko – 2nd Quin’s motion
  • Group – Approved (Gretchen will add to script)



  • Gretchen – Motion to Adjourn
  • Lance – 2nd Gretchen’s motion
  • All in favor

RCA Trailblazers Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 11/24/2019 – Sunday

Minutes by:  Gretchen irw Jason


  • Shawna and Gunter
  • Lance and Quin
  • David and Kapiko
  • Theodor and Beatrice
  • Paul and Cate
  • Gretchen and Jason
  • Dave and Noni
  • Tim and Nicki
  • James and Kris


Serenity Prayer


October 2019 Minutes Reviewed and Approved


Treasurer’s Report

Beginning Balance = $752.22

Ending Balance = $589.25

7th Tradition = $146.00

Payments / Fees = ($8.97)

Donation to RCA WSO = ($300)

*Treasurer’s Report Approved by group.



Old Business

Delegate Couple Reimbursement:

  • David and Kapiko – confirmed receipt of WSO delegate expense reimbursement.


New Business  

Sharing Guidelines:

  • Dave – suggested the group discuss the need to address group members’ understanding of the request to be mindful of crosstalk, appropriate dress and who and what appears on the screen
  • Gretchen and Jason – Acknowledged that they inadvertently skipped the “Sharing Guidelines” on this week’s meeting, but that request is addressed in the Sharing Guidelines
  • Group – Agreed that any group member should message the Secretary couple if he or she would like the Secretary to offer a gentle reminder to another group member for any reason. The Secretary couple will use a private message to send the reminder.  
  • Group – The Secretary couple should also message couples who are not sharing their video and remind them to keep their video on.

Welcome Packets for Members Outside of U.S.:

  • Shawna – Shawna and Gunter have welcome packets to send newcomers who live outside of U.S.
  • David – Welcome couple will notify Shawna and Gunter when a newcomer packet is needed to be sent outside of U.S.

Tabled for Vote at Next Business Meeting:

  • Lance – Web cost will increase by $1 per month. Lance will confirm date that will start and share with group.  Group will need to vote to approve.



  • Gretchen – Motion to Adjourn
  • Shawna – 2nd
  • All in favor